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Full text of "De arte phisicali et de cirurgia of Master John Arderne, surgeon of Newark ; dated 1412"

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Front CL fifteenth. Cèntuiy McLruiS€^ipt 
irt theBriUsh Museujrv, SLoaive MS.2002 

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De Arte Phisicali et de Cirurgia 


MASTER JOHN ARDERNE, Surgeon of Newark 

Dated 1412. 


Sir D^ARCY POWER, K.B.E., M.B.Oxon., F.R.C.S., 



Front ihe Replica qf the Stockholm Manuscript in the 
Wellcome Historical Médical Muscutn, 

Wtth Coloaivd Frontispice* and 18 Plates. 



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From the Foundation of the Wellcome Historical Médical 
Muséum in 191 3, it has been my intention to publish from time 
to time, accounts of the research work carried out on the objects, 
manuscripts and other documents of spécial interest and import- 
ance in the Muséum. Owing to the Great War this work was 
interrupted and had to be suspended. 

A short time ago, Sir D'Arcy Power, K.B.E., kindly under- 
took the laborious task of translating the interesting ancient 
manuscript of John Arderne of Newark, now in the Royal Library 
at Stockholm, which throws an important light on English surgery 
in the XlVth century. 

We are much indebted to Mr. Eric Millar, M. A., for having 
made a careful transcription of the document and our warmest 
thanks are due to Sir D'Arcy Power for the painstaking and 
thorough manner in which he has carried out the translation, 
which forms the first volume of the séries. I trust it will be 
found of value not only to those interested in English surgery 
of the period, of which so little is known, but that it will also 
serve to stimulate the study of the History of Medicine. 


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John Arderne was born in 1307 and lived nearly to the end 
of the fourteenth century. He practised at Newark from 1349 
until 1370, when he came to London and was probably admitted 
a member of the fraternity of surgeons. Nothing authentic is 
known about his early life but it is assumed from certain auto- 
biographical détails in his treatises, that before he settled at 
Newark he was a surgeon in the service of Henry Plantagenet, 
Earl of Derby and afterwards the first Duke of Lancaster. In 
this capacity he visited Antwerp in 1338, Algeçiras in Spain in 
1343 and Bergerac in Aquitaine in 1347. The Duke died of the 
plague in 1361 and Arderne may then hâve attached himself to 
the Duke's son-in-law, John of Gaunt, who was called King of 
Castile and Léon in virtue of his marriage with Constance the 
daughter of Don Pedro I of Castile. 

Arderne was essentially an operating surgeon whose practice 
lay amongst the nobility, wealthy landowners and the higher 
clergy. He was himself well educated though a layman and he 
met his patients on terms of equality. He was perfectly honest, 
knew himself to be a member of a serious profession and kept 
so open a mind that he says more than once, after stating his 
own practice *' nevertheless do another man as him thinketh 

He was a sound practical surgeon who carried out his work 
by methods which are not very différent from those of the 
modem aseptic surgeon. He taught that wounds should heal 
without suppuration, that local applications to them should be as 
little irritating as possible and that the dressings should be 
infrequent. He eut boldly when nccessary for he was not afraid 
of bleeding, and he had sufficient originality to invent the opéra- 
tion for the cure of fistula which, after falling into disuse for 
nearly five hundred years, is now universally employed. Theo- 

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viii. Préface 

retically» he was well read in surgery and in the gênerai lîterature 
of the day for he quotes the older writers and his contemporaries 
often Verbatim. He must therefore hâve possessed, or hâve had 
access to» a well stocked library of manuscripts. But if he was 
centuries in advance of his time surgically he was no wiser than 
his time in medicine. His médical treatment was essentially that 
of the Saxon leeches, treatment by spells, herbs and nasty or 
innocuous substances. In such matters he had no critical faculty 
but believed what he was told regardless of its source. He was, 
too, somewhat of a pharmacist and his name lived longer in this 
connection than as a surgeon. Three of the préparations he 
invented appear in the second issue of the first Pharmacopœia 
of 1618 and some of them were certainly in use as late 1733. 

Ardeme issued his writings in the form of separate treatises 
one of which appeared in 1376 and another in 1377. They are 
in Latin and he says they were written with his own hand. The 
treatises were afterwards coUected — seemingly after his death and 
by différent persons and they were translated into English at 
various times in the fifteenth century. The existing manuscripts 
of his Works therefore, contain différent combinations of the 
treatises variously arranged. Some are the complète works like 
the magnificent copy on vellum which has such carefiilly executed 
illustrations that it is usually exhibited at the Bridsh Muséum as 
an example of fourteenth century work, Others arc poorly written 
paper manuscripts whilst others again are merely fragments, for 
they consist of a page or two of a treatise which by some acci- 
dent has escaped destruction. The number of manuscripts still 
in existence show that Ardeme*s teaching had a considérable 
influence on English surgeons for many years after his death. 
It is remarkable therefore, that none of his work was printed 
until 15S8, when John Read of Gloucester published an abridge- 
ment of the " Treatises on Fistula.** The publication was made 
as part of a scheme undertaken by some of the Elizabethan 
surgeons to go back to original sources for their knowledge. 
Nothing came of it, however, and to this day the bulk of 
Ardeme's work has not passed through the press« 

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Préface îx. 

The manuscript which is hère given is an epitome in Latin 
made some years after the death of Arderne. It omits much, 
adds something and takes out entirely the personal élément and 
quaint touches which make the original manuscripts such excel* 
lent reading. It is in fact Arderne spoilt by his editor — a 
catastrophe which still happens to some médical writers of 

It has been known for some time that an illustrated manu* 
script of John Arderne's works was in the Royal Library at 
Stockholm. Dr. Edward Alin, of Stockholm, made an extract 
of the obstétrical portion which he published in the Nordiskt 
Medicinskt Arkiv. in 1899.* 

Dr. E. Ingerslev, of Copenhagen, made use of the same part 
in his interesting and valuable study of Roesslin's " Rosegarten "f 
and later Professor Sudhoff gave a short account of the whole 
manuscript in the Archiv f. Geschichte der Medizin.% 

The Anatomical drawings in the centre column of Plates I, II, 
III, IV, and XIII, are especially interesting for they show that 
the writer had departed from the old five figure anatomy and had 
adopted the newer methods which are attributed to Henry de 
Mondeville. Professor Sudhoff has already copied them§ and 
référence is made to them in Dr. Mortimer Frank's édition of 
**Choulant*s History and Bibliography of Anatomic Illustration. "|| 
Speaking of thèse plates Dr. Frank says,^ the first three pictures 
represent the osseous (Plate II, centre column), arterial and venous, 
(Plate I, centre column), and nervous (Plate III, centre column) 
Systems, while the other two represent the thoracic and abdominal 

"^ June 1899, No. 2, pp. i to 17, with Plates I-III. 

t The J&umal ofObsUtrics and Gynœcdogy of the British Empire, Vol. xv, 1909, 
pp. 1-25 and 73-92. 

X Vol. viii, X914, p. 135. See also Sudhoff, Sindien xur Geschichte der Medixin, 
Heft iv, Ldpzigi x9oi3, p. 76. 

§ The Archiv fOr Geschichte der Medixin, Band viii, Plates III and IV, Leipzig, 

Il Published at Chicago in 1920. 

1Î Page 61. 

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X. Préface 

viscera (Plate IV,] centre column, and Plate XIII), and the con- 
tents of the skuU and face from the front (Plate IV) and back 
(Plate XIII) in a sagittal section through the médian line. 

The position of the arms and legs in four of the pîctures differs 
from the frog-like posture of the late post Alexandrian séries. The 
arms are brought nearer the sides of the trunk and the legs are 
placed doser together. The arms of one of the pictures (Plate IV, 
fig. 2) are bent at the elbow in such a way that they seem to hold 
apart the two split halves of the thoracic cavity. Thîs and the 
viscéral figure (Plate XIII) are entirely original and are without 
parallel in mediaeval anatomical art and, as Sudhoff believes, are 
not based on tradition, whose power he says de Mondeville had 
destroyed. His theory is that the unknown person who inspired 
the artist had actually observed anatomical structures on the 
cadaver without comprehending much of it 

The picture of the blood vessels (Plate I, centre column) has 
many points in common with the Provençal drawing,* especially 
as regards the position of the kidneys, while the skeletal figure 
(Plate II, centre column) is quite imperfectly drawn and has 
nothing in common with the Provençal picture. The illustration 
representing the nerves (Plate III, centre column) resembles most 
closely the pen sketches of the Arabie nerve figures. It will be 
noted, however, that in the bisected figure forming Plate XIII the 
kidneys are in an approximately correct position when compared 
with the place assîgned to them in Plate I. 

Writing in 1909 Mr. Briscoe J. Potter sa)rs in his "Chapters 
of Nottinghamshire History," '* Our interest in John Arderne was 
revived through a summer visit to Sweden in 1903 when we visited 
the Royal Library at Stockholm where there is an Arderne Manu- 
script of eight pages of vellum made into a roU about five yards 
in length." 

The manuscript, therefore, aTthough its existence was known, 
never seems to hâve excited much interest as a whole and it was 
certainly never transcribed in fuU or printed. In 1909, Mr. C. J.S. 

*^The tbirteenth century Provençal MS. at Basel numbered D. II, ir. 

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Préface xî. 

Thompson, M.B.E., Curator of the Wellcome Historical Médical 
Muséum, when engaged on research work în the Royal Lîbrary 
at Stockholm examined ît and, by the kîndness of the Dîrector, 
obtaîned such excellent photographs that ît has been possible 
to transcribe nearly the whole of ît. A replîca, the exact sîze 
of the original is now in the Muséum in London. The original 
îs written on twelve skins of vellum which are sewn together 
to make a scroll 17 ft. 8 in. long by 15 in. wide. The writing 
is in three columns and is abundantly illustrated by coloured 
pictures, ail being quaint, some artistic and many showing a 
sensé of humour. The writing I judge to be of the early fifteenth 
century which agrées with the date of 14 12 which has been 
added in the text by a later hand. Unfortunately, the history 
of this document cannot be traced to a period earlier than the 
middle of the eighteenth century, when it was discovered by 
Assessor Wessman on a journey he made în the Swedish province 
of Skane, between 1756 and 1758. It was purchased from him 
for the Royal Library at Stockholm where it still remains. 

This is the traditional history of the manuscript It may be 
altogether incorrect and, if so, there is a fascinating hypothesîs to 
take its place. I hâve already said* that John Arderne seems 
to hâve seen service with Henry, Duke of Lancaster, and after 
his death în 1361, to hâve become attached to his son-în-law, 
John of Gaunt, Phillipa, the second daughter and seventh child 
of King Henry IV, was the granddaughter of John of Gaunt. 
She was born în 1394 and her mother, Mary, daughter of 
Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, died in giving birth to 
her. Phillipa, in 1406, married Eric, King of the unîted Norway 
and Sweden, and went to live at Stockholm with a considérable 
retinue of English men and women. In 141 2, when this manuscript 
was written, she was eighteen years of âge, and she proved herself 
the capable and accomplished wife of a weak and licentious king. 
She died in 1430. I should like to think that this roll was sent her 
from England by some one who had known and loved the wise old 

* See aiso Treatises of Fistula in Ano, Hsemorrhoids and Clysters, Early 
English Text Society*s Publications, Original séries. No. 139, pp« x-xiv. 

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xii. Préface 

surgeon who had been so long in the service of her grandfather. 
By some one, too, who remembered the tragedy of her mother's 
death, as he caused Muscio*s birth figures and instructions to 
mîdwîves to be added to the manuscript, for they do not appear în 
any other collection of Arderne's writings with which I am 
acquainted. It might perhaps hâve been Sir Henry Scrope, the 
third Baron Scrope of Masham, who had escorted her to Stockholm 
on the occasion of her marriage, and Arderne says that he *' cured 
a preste at Lincoln în the house of Master Geoffrey Scrope," uncle 
to this Lord Scrope of Masham. It was not unusual when a 
princess married a foreigner and went to live abroad for the doctors 
of her own country to send directions for her health. The Well- 
come Historical Muséum con tains such a manuscript which was 
drawn up about 131 5 for Queen Isabella, the wife of King 
Edward^II of England. A Book of Hours which belonged to 
Phillipa is still preserved in the library at Copenhagen, for she 
was Queen of Denmark as well as of the united kingdoms of 
Norway and Sweden. 

The manuscript was transcribed for me by my friend, Mr. 
Eric Millar, M.A.Oxon, F.S.A., from Mr. Thompson^s photo- 
graphie reproduction» and I am greatly indebted to Mr. Millar 
for the skilful manner în which he executed a very difficult task. 
I alone am responsible for the English version. Some of the 
writing is illegible from wear and tear, but în many cases I hâve 
obtained the sensé, and în some instances the actual words from 
other manuscripts of Arderne's works. Thèse înterpolated passages 
are in square brackets and are printed in îtalîcs. Dr. W. S. A. 
Griffith and Dr. Herbert Spencer hâve very kindly supplemented 
my obstétrical ignorance by making sensé of Muscio's Latin version 
of Soranus, so far as it is possible to do so. The text is corrupt în 
parts and is not identîcal with that of the Codex Hafniensis tran- 
scribed by Dr. Ingerslev either in the text or the birth figures. 

May, 1922. D'ARCY POWER. 

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Platk I. 

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The practice of Master John Arderne of Newark in the art of 
Medicine and Surgery, 1412. 

The practice of Master John Arderne of Newark in the art of 

medicine and surgery. 

(I) John (Arderne) from the first plague that was in the year of 

the Lord thirteen hundred and forty-nîne up to the year of the 

Lord fourteen hundred and twelve* lived at Newark in the county 

of Nottingham and there cured many of the following diseases. 

First of the Hairf. — R. Take . . , part of unslaked lime and 

Psilothrix4 (Plate I, fig. i, left column.) 

put it in water .... a fourth part of orpiment and put ît 

. . . . and . . . . let a depilatory be made .... 

being rubbed. Mingle it with the aforesaid depilatory and they 

easily fall ofî with little [scarrîn£^}li. With oil of roses or violets 

or white of egg. Its infusion and .... and red sandal. 

Lotion for the head. (Plate I, fig. 2, left side of column.) 

With an . . . lard, in which it is cooked. 

It colours the hair and soothes the head and relieves pain in 

.... The lye in which it is cooked is serviceable .... its 

broth .... and red sandal. 

Broom flowers or box shavings with red marjoram commonly 

infused in plain water or vinegar [reptoves tke hair\ 

To provokc sleep. (Plate I, fig. 3, left column.) 

'^ Arderne was 70 in 1377 so that this date is clearly incorrect. It is probable 
that the manuscript was written in 1412 or even a few years earlier. 

t The corresponding section of Bernard Gordon is in the second part of the 
, Lilium medicuae where, after treating of the physiology and pathology of the 
hair» he gives a depilatory of unslaked lime and orpiment« 
\ Â depilatory. 

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2 Master John Arderne 

Let the patient be fumigated with the following : — R. mallows, 

chenopodium,* solatrum,t poppy leaves, lettuce and the infusion 

of Aider. 

If this does not succeed, let his head, neck, arms. feet and hands 

be washed with several sleep compellers such Vs mandragora, 

storax or powdered opium placed on the patientas head. 

If you wish to rouse him drop strong vinegar into his nostrils. 

Against drunkenness. (Plate I, fîg. 4, left column.) 

R. Juice of white cabbage one part ; juice of pomegranates one 

part ; vinegar half a measure. 

Boil to full ebuUition and let an ounce be taken before drinking wine. 

Also if any man is a drunkard put lignum aloes in his wine and 

let him drink it 

For Headache. (Plate I, fig. 5, left column.) — A cure. 

If it is from the blood, and the âge and the courage allows of it, 

cause him to be let blood from the vein which is betwixt the thumb 

and the index finger which is called the cephalick or let venesection 

be made on the shoulders or in the spaces which are round the 


Almansor, Serapion and Avicenna agrée upon this cure for headache. 

If the belly is to be relieved twice, or at any rate once, a day either 

let a glyster be given which is best, or, let the head of the patient 

be washed with décoctions of dill, camomile and roses. 

Let the skin of the head be anointed with oil of dill and with oil 

of camomile mixed together. 

For the same [TurôùA'JX is a proved remedy for headache, even 

if it has lasted a hundred years They also cure inflamed 

'*' Good Henry. f Nightshade. 

{ Torbitb a large white résinons root with a starchy interior. Natural Order 
Convoi vulaceae. Still used in India : given in powder 9ii — 9iv, or in infusion 
from 5i — 5iii. ** It is eminent," says Salmon (*' The New London Dispensatory," 
éd. 1678, p. 19) " against chronic diseases as goûts, sciatica, dropsy, jaundice, 
French pox, scabs, elephantiasis and other breakings out. The powder with 
honey helps gangreens: given alone it is a slow purger and causeth loathing 
and vomiting and therefore it is corrected with pepper, ginger, cinnamon, mastick, 
carraways, etc. It is dangerous for children or women with child." It is much 
of the nature of hermodactyls. 

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Plate II. 

\v ^' 

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Surgeon of Newark 3 

eyes, engender , . . ., remove melancholy, sharpen the wits, 

clear the sight and do not allow white haîrs to corne before their 

time. If any one uses them they împrove the memory, purge a 

fever (cure) giddiness ; soothe the teeth and gums and comfort the 

whole body, take away tinnitus of the ears and noises în the head, 

préserve and conflrm ail complexions and agrée with men and 

women at ail âges. 

R. Aloes 5iv ; mastiche ; filîc. agrestris Si. 

Let them be tempered wîth cabbage juice and let six or eîght be 

gîven according to âge, complexîon and tîme. 

A Gargle. — For headache due to rheum or phlegm in the head 

(Plate II, fig. I, left column) . . . • It brings out the super- 

fluities of the brain ; it cleanses even the brain itself and improves 

the memory. It helps hardness of hearîng, cures stammering, helps 

to restore the sight and never ceases to comfort it; it destroys 

torpor of the brain, and is the best thing to remove noises in the 

ears and epilepsy ; it prevents and stops the toothache. The 

prescription is as foUows : — 

Stavesacre Si ; pellitory root 3ii ; sage leaves, hyssop leaves and 

origanum ââ. 3iii ; betony 3ii ; ginger selected ; galls ; black 

pepper ; (resin of) larch* Bj- ; mustard seeds Siv. 

Then mix : — Galangal [çuadf ?] ; cubebs ââ. 3ii . . . . Si} ; 

lîquorice powder Si. 

Let them be rubbed together and preserved until they are wanted ; 

then let them be moistened with Si of vinegar, mixed and infused 

awhile. Let the whole be filtered and put into a clean vessel. 

Let three spoonsfuls as hot as can well be borne be taken into the 

mouth and well rinsed round the palate by the tongue. Let it 

ail be spat out and another dose be taken, as has just been 

described and let the mouth afterwards be well washed with white 

wine in which is decoct. hyssop, or with aqua hyssopi. 

Of frensy i.e. at the back of the head. (Plate 1 1, fig. 2, left column.) 

R. : — Juice of . . . . lettuce ; borage ââ. Ib. ii ; of juice of 

* Turpentine. 

t Cyperus or Joncus quadratus, an old name for Southerowood. 

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4 Master John Arderne 

[^gTûund ivy ?] Ib. i ; of dodder of thyme ; of dodder àâ. 5î ; of 
great cardamoms ; of anise ââ. 3} ; with quinces 3i ; and let a 
syrup be made with clarîfied honey and let the patient hâve a 
dose morning and evening. 
For the eyacuation of Frenzy. 

R. Of hiera picra 5iî ; impérial cathartic Siii ; powdered agaric 
and powdered rhubarb ââ. 3i ; let them be confected with a 
décoction of dodder of thyme, dodder, violets and , • . . equal 
parts and of damsons, &c. * 

A local remedy. — R. succory, lettuce, white poppy ââ. Si ; Red 
saunders, white saunders ââ. and juice of marjoram ; camomîle 
flowers ââ. 5i ; of liquid storax Bj- and . • . • Si, with the yolks 
of foureg^ s and a sufficiency of oil of roses. This medicine is 
a well tried one. 

Ôf Heaviness of the Eyes and first against [red] Macula and 
the beat of the eyes and watering. It préserves and comforts 
the sight. (Plate III, fig. i, left column.) 

R. beîng extinguishedt seven times after combustion let ît be 
powdered and mixed with the urine of a vîrgin [6oy] or with 
white wine and let sufficient honey be added to make it stick to 
the sides of a hollow bason and then shake the basin well so 
[anointed with the Tutty] mixed with the white wine and after 
[the shaking] allow it to stand a little while to dry until it shrinks 
from the side of the basin, but before it is quîte dry add powdered 
hepatic aloes and let it be put upon the live coals and let the 
basin with the [Tutty] be inverted and let it lie there until the 

* Etc. is often added by a scribe to end a sentence and does not imply that 
anything has been omitted. 

t This prescription is rendered incompréhensible because the scribe has 
omitted to state that the remedy is Tutty. Arderne says in another MS. 
(Sloane 2271) *< Tutty or tutie is to be had at the appotticaries and hath been 
sold for xijd a pound. Yt is excellent for payne of the eyes. Yt cometh from 
beyond sea but before yt be occupyed yt must be prépara after this sort. Put 
yt in an earthen pott and sett yt in the fyer whilst yt be very hott, then quench 
yt and ye must quench yt eyther in the juice of ffenell, in white wine or ells in 
the urine of a manchild and when it is quentched heate it agayne as before 
and quench yt until ye bave served itt so iz or tenue times at the least &c«" 

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Plate III. 

. 11^*11^ ùH<r*p ai«if>.'^ 



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Googte P 

Surgeon of Newark S 

aloes hâve ceased to smoke. And when it has cooled let the 

residue which sticks to the basin be scraped ofif and rubbed up 

[^ner] îf necessary and let a little of the powder be put upon the 

spot in the eye for it cures excellently both the spots and ail the 

other aforesaid weaknesses. 

To destroy a Nebula in the Eye painlessly and quite healthily 

with this medicine. (Plate III, fig. 2, left column.) 

R. The whites of 30-40 eggs with [sug^ar] too beaten up in a brass 

mortar. Afterwards rub in a sufficiency of sait and dry it in the 

Sun in a glass vessel. Powder it and put some of it in the eye. 

It destroy s the nebula. 

For Blows on the Eyes, however produced, whether with a stone, 

stick, hard root or a sword or in similar ways. (Plate III, fig. 3, left 


Let the patient be treated as quickly as possible with the white 

of egg before the humours are dissolved and the eye is destroyed 

by pain and be careful not to apply any other remedy except white 

of egg well beaten up and no longer frothy and cleanse with 

[sma//] linen swabs, and place it upon the closed eye and according 

to Lanfranc it will be more effectuai if a little [Sa^ron] and 

woman's milk be added to this medicine etc. 

If the eyeball be ruptured by a blow then that medicine is to be 

placed in the eye which is called ** God s Virtue" (" Virtus a deo 

data") and it is so called because the virtue which it has in working 

is greater than that of ail other medicines. 

R. New laid eggs of white fowls as many as can be had. 

The whites are separated and are well beaten in a brass mortar 

until yAey are like an ointment] and kept in a glass vessel and 

twice \a day\ put it into the eye a little at a time until the salve 

is congealed.* 

An ointment against Bleareye and watering of the Eyes although 

it cures best in the décrépit. Above ail other rt\medzes] I hâve 

many times proved this for certain. (Plate III, fig. 4. left column.) 

R. A clean hoUow basin greased at the bottom with butter 

'*' The Sloane MS. reads '< untill the coate or tunicle called conjunctiva be 
Iraytte agayne." 

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6 Master John Arderae 

wîth[(?«/] sait and let ît afterwards be dîpped in a vessel în which 
is the warm acid urine of a man and let it remain there until the 
urine is cold and afterwards let the \_6/uisA] coloured sédiment be 
taken which sticks to the bottom of the [vessef\ and add to it a little 
of the fat of a capon and mix it in the sun and afterwards préserve 
it in a box. And let the eyelids be smeared with this ointment 
on a spatula, in the evening when he goes to bed and bind it on 
with a bandage until the morning. 

Against an Epileptic Fit. (Plate IV, fig. i, left column.) 
R. The herb Yve major and minor ; burnt human bone àà. Siii ; 
liquorice Siv. Let it be given morning and night. 
Against Epîlepsy Write thèse three names with blood- taken from 
the auricular finger* of the patient. 

1=1 Jasper Q MelchiorQBahhazar and put gold, frankincense 
and myrrh înto a box, Let the patient say three paternosters 
and îii Ave marias daily for the soûls of the fathers and mothers 
of thèse three kings for a month and let the patient drink for a 
month of the juice of peony with béer or wine and if he be a 
child Write with blood as before .... on a murrhat and 
let it be put in the béer] and without doubt this remedy never 

In every affection of the heart, of epilepsy and future leprosy. 
R. Décoction of the bone of a stag*s heart given in wine with 
powdered pearls. If juice of borage be added it will be more 
effective. (Plate IV, fig. 2, left column.) 
Against Deafness. (Plate IV, fig. 3, left column.) 
R. Eggs of ants and earthworms beaten up with white wine and 
distilled in an alembic and, after cleansing the body, injected into 
the ear makes the deaf hear and stops tinnitus. And if from 
a cold cause let the juice of a leek be added. 
In every case of tinnitus in the ear of whatever kind care must be 
taken to avoid bathing and the sun and too strong a light as well 

* The little finger so called, it is said, because it can be introduced into the 
extemal auditory meatus. 

t  pièce of porcelain or fine china. 

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Plate IV. 

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Gooal^ 7 

Surgeon of Newark 7 

as noise and repletion. The belly too must be kept relaxed and 

such relaxation must be maintained. 

In hot causes, too, let absinthe be infused in water with mallow 

and applied; also in cold causes let a décoction be made with 

white wine. 

Also against a discharge from the ear let lycium* be dropped 

in with oxgall when the discharge is abundant and then let 

the urine of boys be instilled. 

For pain duc to an accident or a blow the crumb of rye bread 

is useful moistened with warm wine and juice of absinthe and 

poultices, as well as for the gouty and for puncture of a nerve 

because it dissolves and soothes. 

Against the Sait Fleum.f (Plate IV, fig. 4, left column.) 

Bleed from the cephalic, then scarify the front part of the tibia 

and let the face be anointed with honey mixed with juice of 


For the same. — R. The fat of a capon and let it be melted and 

thrown into spring water changed t^welve times and at last rub it 

up with a measure of rosewater by mingling it afterwards [wziA the 

follawing ?]. 

R. Pine needles by rubbing them up at the same time with a 

quantity of lard and by adding two ounces of quicksilver. 

Let the material be digested at first with syrup of fumitory or 

with oxycratej for 8 or 9 times, afterwards let him be purged with 

impérial cathartic. 

Against wrymouth. (Plate V, fig. 2, left column.) 

Wrymouth is due to a kind of spasm which spoils the shape and 

expression of the face drawing or dragging the mouth of the man 

* The inspissated juice of Pyxacanthus chironia ; astringent and bitter. 
t A pimply face. 

" A Somonour was ther with us in that place, 
That had a fyri cherubynes face, 
For sawceflem he was, with eyen narowe. 
And hot he was, and lecherous as a sparrow,*' 
says Chaucer in his Prologue, 11. 623-626. 

\ A mixture of vinegar and water used as a local application for pimples. 

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8 Master John Ardeme 

or the woman to the ear like that of the fish called the fl[t?]under. 

And it is to be observed that in such a case remédies ought to be 

applied to the back of the head between the neck and the head 

and that those remédies whîch are useful against paralysis and 

spasm are aiso useful against wrymouth. Still there are some 

spécial remédies if they can be obtained. In the first place let him 

be purged with ji of hiera logadion* and if it has lasted a long 

time it ought to be given daily. 

Then if you are able to get acorus i.e. the root of the water flag 

which has a purple flower, nutmegs and sugar âà. Thèse three 

are useful for their properties, and then make a syrup with honey 

and water. Wine is hurtful in every nerve complaint. But the 

last remedy is cauterizing the veins which are behind the ears, 

or let it be done in the neck as Avicenna says. 

But note that if the wrymouth has lasted for eîght months, it will 

never be cured or only with great difficulty. A certain soldier of 

the noble Duke of Lancaster at Ageçir in Spain suffered suddenly 

from wrymouth so that his mouth was drawn back nearly to his 

ear and he could not speak. 

I, the aforesaid John Arderne, treated him in this way : — I 

took the bread made from brown flour (i.e. grey bred) and divided 

it into two parts and I placed them upon the bars beyond the 

embers and I well toasted them. Afterwards I put on one part of 

the bread which had been well soaked in vinegar as hot as the 

patient could bear it and when it got cold I put on the other part 

of the bread soaked in vinegar and thus by often repeating the 

application he was perfectiy cured within one natural day. 

Against palsy of the tongue lest the patient die intestate. 

(Plate V, fig. 3, left column.) 

R. castoreum ; black pepper ; long pepper ; pyrethrum ; euphor- 

bium ââ. 3iiii ; vinegar Bii. 

Being powdered let a powder be made and mingled with juice of 

Rue and let lozenges be made and put under the tongue one after 

the other. 

'*' The hiera of Logadius of Memphis, see Nie. Myrepsus, Lugduni 1550, 
p. 456, No. 14. 

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Plate V. 

f»<lUw ?< <l «fit** » fl 1^ 

Vil»;'' ) ni4V'< ^V iirtvir-* i»*» 



ants UI'IK* f-""^ fil Af: t*A4 

trt** 1 m^V«<i<t I- fuit . 
ifiiâ/f«vtit|(^ < — . ^ 


ifcriiifiiVi -traaft 

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To lâce p. Q 

Surgeon of Newark 9 

For loss of speech. 

Let a gargle be made with wine of the décoction of hyssop and 

pellitory àâ. 3j or let the tongue be rubbed with powdered 

stavesacre, castoreum, sal ammoniac, black pepper and long pepper, 

mustard, pellitory, and origanum. And let it be rubbed until the 

saliva flows freely when .... *Let lozençes be made and 

let them be put one after the other under the tongue. (Plate V, 

fig. 4, left column.) 

For Toothache. (Plate V, fig. 5, left column.) 

Let the tooth y ou want to remove be rubbed with the gum of Ivy 

and it will immediately fall out or even if it be only applied to the 

tooth. But be careful not to touch the other teeth. Symphytum, 

i.e. henbane, does the same first steeped in vinegar and then 

cautiously applied round the tooth. 

Rubbing the tooth with hazel bark does the same. 

Mastich whitens and cleans the teeth. 

A cure for Quinsy, that the materies morbi may be evacuated with 

the sécrétions of the belly and by bloodletting and by attracting 

the material to the opposite side and by applyîng cups beneath 

the breasts or on the thighs and let a gargle be made to drive the 

material to the surface, and with plasters applied externally. And 

note of sponge and of wool tied on being first dipped in honey 

and being thus soaked removes it from the place and frees from the 

danger of suffocation. 

In the hot cause [/ana succtdaf] dipped in a décoction of hyssop 

applied with olive oil or camomile is useful. In cold cause let 

Agrippa^ boil in strong wine .... §dialthaea and being 

spread on a stupe let it be wrapped round the neck, 

* ** Quum datur ex ictis eisdem ultimo dictis " says the MS. 

t '* Lana succida," Ârderae says in bis treatises on Fistula, is ** wolle that 
groweth atwix the legges of an ewe, about the udder, full of sweat, not washed.*' 
It was a crude method of obtaining what is now called Lanolin. An undressed 
fleece is still used in folk-medicine. 

X Unguentum Grypa, an oiotment much recommended by Nicolaus Myrepsus 
[éd. 1550, p. 210, No. 43] for abdominal paio. 

§ Merciaton. 

Digitized by 


lo Master John Ardeme 

Note that the veined scabious and devils bit are very serviceable 

either as gargles or as plaisters. 

The signs of death in Quinsy. 

If there is foaming at the mouth ît îs a deadly sign or if the 

corners of the eyes become black or green, and if the puise is 

lost or the extremities become cold, death will occur the same day, 

and if a cold sweat exudes beneath the armpits and is felt there. 

For Botch of the throat. A soothing application for such botch : 

Raisins made into an emulsion with dates, dried figs, orris root and 

goats* dung. Filter and give it as a gargle and let the patient be 

rubbed externally with oil of violets or with warmed butter and 

marshmallow. (Plate VI, fig. i, left column.) 

A plaster made of flour matures, breaks and relieves such a boil 

and such things hasten the cure. 

Against matted glands. Ground ivy* ground up and infused with 

oil of cummin plastered on. (Plate VI, fig. 2, left column.) 

Also goats dung with vinegar is useful if it îs employed as a 


Against swelling of the Uvula. If the body be plethoric bleed 

from the veins under the tongue. There are also such local 

remédies as : a gargle with styptics at the beginning of the attack ; 

with maturatives whilst it is in progress and with cleansers during 

its décline. (Plate VI, fig. 3, left column.) 

If it is of hot causet use styptics with solatrum and rose-water 

and let a gargle of this kind be made. 

Also, R. Tragacanth, gum arabic, sarcocollaj incorporated with the 

juice of solatrum^ and a little vinegar. Apply by inunction. 

* Ground ivy, Hedera terrestris. " This herb " says Dr. James Alleyn in the 
New EngUsh Dispensatory, Lond. 1733» "is mightily in use both in shops and 
common Prescription. It is not only prescribed in almost ail distempers of the 
Lungs and Breast but also accounted good in obstructions of the viscera. It is 
reckoned to do wonders in Tubercles and tartarous indurations of the lungs. 
Willis mightily commends its powder in obstinate coughs, especially in children." 

t Withfever? 

l A granular gum like Mastiche used as an agglutinative. It is the inspissated 
juice of Penaea mucronata and P. sarcocolla. 

§ Morelle. 

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Plate VI. 

«Vif iiiiw»t '^'^ 
j|ii«ni|)it ïîîf*'f 


f^.JFi*dWf*»f^ 0<,t,,,j^^Umf^^:^f^^ **^**^r'J;S^^"r^ 

^ISrSJeln^fjî^ f'4"*-; ?H^;'f ^JZ 

n*t*u. f.t> .«t7 M f''- *«*"^^ 



, fuiHu* tel *J"#mlVJ*j' mm 
riii«»«lQ*i*f« firf:*tfr «mi 

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I ■ rfgii^ faMttk ■"> • I«lU''^«u^- (« âMiiErj 



Digitized by 


Surgeon of Newark n 

If it is of cold cause the juice of nettles and bramble rubbed up 

with sait îs useful in this case also mastiche as a gargle with kail 

juîce with tragacanth powder and gum arabick. 

Of hoarseness from shouting, watching and fatigue. Give a bath 

and poached eggs and conserve of apples and orach and lovage 

and a confection of linseed and bean flour. (Plate VI, fig. 4, left 


Observe that phlebotomy should not be done for hoarseness unless 

it is of hot and moist cause. 

For severe hoarseness pills of asafoetida and fenugrec and orobus* 

and make an electuary for this is of much service in hoarseness 

from a cold cause. (Plate VI, fig. 5, left column.) 

If the materies morbi is of a moist cause dried figs and décoctions 

of calamint with tragacanth and gum arabick are helpful Dried 

figs are serviceable in ail causes. 

For roughness of the voice. Make a poultice of sieved bran with 

milk of almonds» sugar candy and the whîtes of eggs. 

Against a cough whether cold or hot. (Plate VI, fig. 6, left 


R. Dried figs, raisins âà broth a third part. Digest 

them with liquorice and honey and make a décoction with maiden- 

hair, origanum and hyssop ââ. Let the patient avoid acid and 

sait things and let him live with modération. 

A cure for a cough from cold and moist cause. Let the breath 

be held because it warms the lung and the whole chest. 

Likewise pills of myrrh and storax with honey held under the 


Likewise sulphur rubbed up with poached eggs. 

Likewise rubbing with warm oils as oil of lilies with red wax and 

costus and spikenard and cummin. 

Let a dried fig be given. 

Against Cold Rhcum. (Plate VI, fig. 7, left column.) 

R. Absinthe and white horehound a handful of each ; ground ivy 

a third part. 

* Vetch. 

Digitized by 


12 Master John Arderne 

Let them be digested in white wine or in water and let the 

patient be made drowsy by the steam (inhaled) through his mouth 

and nostrils with the head covered. 

But note that chewing three grains of white incense daily is 

useful against ail rheums from a cold cause and .... 

R. Liquorice juice Sxii ; of the seeds of citron melons Sv ; 

tragacanth and gum acacia ââ. 3i. 

Make it into lozenges and let one be kept under the tongue 

until it is dissolved and let the liquorice juice be swallowed. 

It is useful in every rheum. 

In hot and cold cases !l^. Liquorice juice Sic: melon and quince 

seeds 5v : gums tragacanth and arabic ââ. 3ij ; make lozenges 

and let one be held under tongue until it is dissolved and let 

the liquorice juice be swallowed. This is useful in every fever. 

Against a cold cough. 

A water of sieved bran wonderfully cleanses the lung and chest 

if horehound, calamint, hyssop, figs and liquorice be digested 

with it. 

Against dryness of the Chest. 

R. Violets i^ ; figs Bi ; horehound and poppies of each Bi. 

Make a décoction with sugar. 

Also let an electiiary be used of iris, mint and horehound. 

If anyone is full of phlegm. 

R. Hyssop ; mint ; maiden hair* ââ. a handful ; horehound half 

a handful ; agrimony a quarter of a handful ; cinnamon BJ ; 

orrice Bii ; gum arabic and tragacanth ââ. 3J liquorice Biv. 

Make a syrup with a tisane of barley and beans and add to it 

one pound of sugar and an equal quantity of honey. 

Against phthisis with fever. (Plate VII, fig. 3, left column.) 

R. Endive ; maidenhair ; scolopendra ; enula campestris ; shep- 

herd's purse ; horsehoof ; duckweed ââ. Bi ; barley sugar Bii, etc. ; 

gum arabic and liquorice ââ. Bii ; four seeds of the cleansing cold 

* Alleyne in his dispensatory (1733 p. 15) says: «*True Maîden-hair 
grows about Montpellier but is seldom or never brought into England. The 
Maidenhair hère recommended iS| therefore, the Wall-me or white Maidenhair." 

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Plate VII. 


eu ii»««« M»» »"^ " 

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nMt% f H< Pm)* a- m«n« ait 


77// photûgrapher has in error reptodnced the hoUom 0/ Plate VII at the top of this pîalt.^ 

Digitized by \^jOOQIC 

JK is 

Surgeon of Newark 13 

seeds* 5î ; of quince seeds and of cotton seeds àà. 5îi ; and of 

ail the saunders àà. Si ; of water-lily flowers Siî ; sugar q.s. 

Without f cvcr. 

R, Calamint ; hyssop ; maidenhaîr ; scolopendrium àà. a handful ; 

agrîmony half a handful ; lily root ; smallage seeds ; pîne cônes 

àà. a ; mallows 3J ; figs and juice of liquorice àà. one quarter. 

Make a syrup. To be given în a tisane made of barley and beans 

wîth honey Ib. i J 

Against Vomiting of Blood by thc Mouth. (Plate VII, fig. 4, 

left column.) 

R. Hypoquistidist ; acacia ; balaustines| ; psyllium§ ; white coral 

and red coral powdered ; hématite ; plantain seeds ; . . . . 

quince seeds ; bole armorie ; terra sigillata ; dragon's blood ; juice 

of green mint ; juice of roses and of sumach àà. Sxv. 

Make a syrup with three pounds of sugar and make the syrup with 

rain water or with rosewater. 

It îs excellent in bleeding from the mouth and for dysentery. 

A Syrup for the Consomptive, for the hectic, the wasted, the 

phthisical, for those "who cough, and for the Asthmatic, since 

ît cleanses and purifies, soothes and feeds and is useful in healing 

and for driving out discharges as well as for its strengthening 

virtues. (Plate VII, fig. 4, left column.) 

R. Root of iris and hyssop àà. 5i ; maidenhair three handfuls ; four 

seeds of the greater and lesser celandine ; coriander seedj mallow 

seed ; seed of the white poppy ; cotton ; fenugrek ; bitter vetch ; 

marmalade of liquorice ; marmalade of raisins ; marmalade of 

pines and of almonds ; marmalade of husked barley àà. Sii. 

Cook them over a slow fîre with dry sticks in sweet well water 

* The greater cold seeds were : — The greater hot seeds were : — 

Citrul, Cucumber, Gourd and Melon. Anise, Caraway, Cummin and Fennel. 
The lesser cold seeds were : — The lesser hot seeds were : — 

Endive, Succory, Lettuce and Bishop's weed [Ammi majus] Amo- 

Purslane. mum: Smallage and Wild Carrot. 

t The jmce of the Holly Rose dried in the 8un-*an astringent. 
t The wild pomegranate flowero aloo astringent. 
§ Thefleawort. 


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14 Master John Arderne 

without sédiment and add half a pound of bread and two pounds 

of sugar. Make a syrup. 

To cleanse the Chest of gross humours. (Plate VIII, fig. i, left 


R. Root of kn[nef\ ; root of smallage àâ. 5x ; of liquorice 5vî ; 

sweet almonds 3iv ; . . . . hyssop ; mallow seeds 3li ; 

cubebs 3xx ; fîgs 3ii. 

Digest to a third in eight pounds of water and administer as a drink. 

Also a good and well tried powder. R. Seripula resin senna 5i 

and seripula i.[e.'] iurôùA.^ With the turbith one half of ginger 

and let it be taken in pottage. 

Against difficult breathmg. (Plate VIII, fig. 2, left column.) 

R. Elecampane jii ; Horehound and iris ââ. 3} ; Hyssop a handful ; 

Caniepitheos (?) a handful. 

Make a syrup with sugar. 

If there is Fevcr. 

R. Maidenhair and Spleenwort a handful of each ; the four cold 

seeds ââ. and a half. 

Let a syrup be made with sugared bread, and a tisane made with 


Against Plcurisy. (Plate VIII, fig. 3, left column.) 

Let the patient first be bled from the saphenous vein of the affected 

side and if the blood comes out black do not stop it until it gets red 

and if it does not become red let him be bled from the basilic on 

the opposite side. 

If a plaister can be put on the side thèse are examples : — 

Let powdered figs, dates and raisins digested together be mixed 

with hog's lard and placed over the painful spot. 

Also juice of ordinary cress and of watercress two handsful of 

each ; hog's lard ; wheaten flour ; linseed meal ; and fenugrek — a 

sufficiency, and let a plaister be made. 

Let a syrup be made 

R. Lily roots ; wormwood one third part of a handful ; hyssop a 

quarter of a handful ; Camomile half a handful ; Honey q.s. as 

much as is enough to mature it. 

« MS. gloss. 

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Digitized by 


Platic VIII. 

«v^rfSn A|^M rKir'fw * H 

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To lace p. is 

Surgeon of Newark 15 

R. Hyssop a handfui ; Agrimony half a handful ; Lîly rcK)t one 

part ; white henbane a quarter of a handful ; tragacanth 3} ; dried 

figs 3ti, smallage seeds 3i liquorice 3iv. Make a syrup with 

honey, &<:• 

If there is Fcvcr. 

R. Of Spleenwort and of maidenhair each a handful ; Purslane 

four handfuls ; cold seeds 3} ; Mallow 3i ; Liquorice juice 3} ; 

Violets 3i ; Borage flowers 3i ; Gum Arabie 3ii ; Tragacanth 3iiî. 

Make a syrup for a drink with barley and beans. 

The follovin^ are the si^ns of a pleurisy. 

A long continued acute fever and the hardness of it has . • . . 

in the side and causes him to move from side to side coughing 

continuously .... panting .... forsooth the malice 

of the disease, the neighbourhood of the heart, continuous fever, 

lividity . . . • î.e. slow breathing which is due in the pleuritic 

to the great stabbing pain in the side. He has this peculiar feeling 

on account of the connection of the brain with the nerves. The 

hoUow cough is due to the materies morbi is inflammation.* 

Pleuropneumonia is inflammation of the lung. The treatment of 

pleuropneumonia is the same as the treatment for pleurisy except 

that in pleuropneumonia stronger medicine should be employed. 

Palpitation of the Heart of Cardiac ori^in. (Plate VIII, fig. 4, 

left column.) 

R. roses 3} ; aloes 3i ; cardamons ; cinnamon ; cloves ââ. 3ii ; Myrrh 

gr i ; Juniper 3îii. 

Let them be powdered and treated with wine. Make a plaister to 

be applied to the chest aijd over the région of the heart. A syrup 

can be made by adding honey enough. 

If with fever. 

R. Putty ; Red Ochre 3i ; Sandal 3}. 

Pound them together in a mortâr with rosewater ; mix and make 

a plaister for the heart région. A syrup can also be made by the 

four cold seeds with sufficient sugar. Some give the diarodon of 

Julius in thèse cases.f 

* The whole of this passage is so comipt that I can make nothing of it. 
t Nicolaos Myrepsos gives aeveral formulse for diarrhodon. 

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i6 Master John Ardeme 

Item. R. Sugar of roses 3i; and a pennyweight of powdered 
mother of pearl and mix them. 
A spirituous syrup for the same. 

R. Borage flowers 3} ; roses Si ; ashes 5iii ; Enulacampane 5i} ; 
Osimus (?) 5ij ; Lignum aloes 5i; Galangal 5i ; Cinnamon 5ss; Quince 
seed 5iij ; White coral 5îî ; Sugar q.s. 
Make a syrup. 

Anoint the body wîth mucilage of Fleawort, witb white of egg 
and with a little populeon.* 
If it is with fever let anise be put in. 

In cold causes. A drink of diacomeron, rosata novellaf diatrion4 
Note that in heart cases the flowers of borage put in wine and 
drunk are very serviceable. 

A well tried and yery sure method against heart attacks and 
Syncope. (Plate IX, fig. i, left column.) 

R. Slime of Gold 5i ; Perforated and unperforated Pearls âà. 5i ; 
behen alb.§ and Rue àâ. 5iv. 

Make a powder and give it in food and in drinks. If the 
syncope is due to loss of blood give chicken broth with wine. 
If it is the resuit of colic or passio iliaca take a tile and make 
it hot, wrap it in a cloth and lay it over the painful spot Then 
make this plaister. 

R. Of smallage root, Fennel and peony, ground ivy. Heat them 
together, make a paste ; wash the painful part and apply the 
plaister as hot as it can be borne. Sprinkle the patient's face with 
rose water and then let hîm be given i^ of diamargariton. || 
Against Dysphagia. (Plate IX, fig. 2, left column.) 
If it be from a cold cause make a gargle of pellitory ; iris ; caraway ; 
laurel berries, rue with honey and sugar. If it be from an inflam- 
mation let a gargle be made of fenugrek, dates, camomile, and figs 
with sugar. Make a plaister of them also for extemal application. 

"*" An ointment made from the buds of the white Poplar or Ashen tree. 

t Nicolaus Myrepsus De Antidotis, No. 204. 

X Idm, No. 213. § Idm. No. 38 = hermodactjls. || lâm^ No. 37 

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Plate IX 


feiy >^" r 


i»i«'*<M«rtnAUit^^i'r*^" Mil/- , 



fvrc 9iAnnitt)ii 

?tf ô. (i Vtilf*itcfnni «ntîttff^^ ^f * ïW 
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Vtc«"VM9^ niiwVA ftrtrcn ttti*k ^ ai t^ 

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9»utnimyHn an m|ta' * it*»«#fV(»r f ><îii 

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tftiti ff ni'ititiîih ff>i<«tw(|V''ftji'* i»J*i •>».. 

MHwOiirfiniiA-aui .|.^^ iii«rf»i»*?w , 


Î^Vrn* vSkiw' Vf ^u^ Afin* n»cft«t^i4 
Tif jittj- X pt4«'(*âi fcaiffvim C/* M^.j 


«tpj/lar (I .mni* nxAÎK Hm*cn*.^iiif|* itun 

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tjwp fVjUMvi fÏBtKil ii{^ ft»f mVîl iim>r"»^ 
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, '** mif iua" fiiïiA mtf^m .|î i>»r fit f' {^ 
.tf |»iifii<rf,* vm^*^ wtt «i* af"4 nijit-''^^ 

iiipifimu If oiiuAr «tiTTâ rtiMTift Vciu i)iu_ 
fi- .ftf fîAfifU-tjju Vciitt ^ rthfAtn ïi|if fiî' r«fc* 

.iftS-Aui l'w m rib\A ftcnfif tiiiiMït «r 

itnifnt Vf Huïr,rr **iit ii%jm<»i?nCâtJi» A 
^ (frf»lPrwrriiîtfm<^*fi,i^ rtjjÏTî» .wittm / 

fel tHtr ,1 rff fc|.# tiiKtiiie 1 rtnvMtf |/^o 

' [^Ft44M,. ^." ■;. . . ^ ' 

U ii- A ^ I Ù«^ H 1 1 1 iriflfn ^ ,f lu x^\X 

ïÛ^Wlfin tîniftv-X'ttPftt'iil^StnimimA: 


{ i 

Digitized by 


lo f|rc^ p. 17 

Surgeon of Newark 17 

Against Boalimia i.e. irrational appetite. (Plate IX, fig. 3, left 


R. Cardamons 3| ; cinnamon and cubebs ââ. Si ; Sugar ad. Ib. i. 

Let it be used ad lib. 

An Electuary: — 

R. Cinnamon» anise, caraway and bishops weed H; galangal Sîî; 

sugar q.s. To be given on an empty stomach. 

For déficient action of the Livcr. (Plate IX, fig. 4, left column). 

Let the materîes morbi be digested with oxymel of squills and 

let it then be evacuated with Hiera picra and let it be used with 

cloves and mint 5^ and with Galangal. 

Against déficient action of the liver from Cold. Eating with 

mint and everything acid is good according to Avicenna. 

Electuary of diatrion pîperîon,* diacalamintum,t diasene,]; dia- 

cinimum§; diaprassium, diagalangal.H Ail thèse are useful in 

cold cause. 

Against the Drink Habit. (Plate IX, fig. 5, left column.) 

R. Cloves, aloes, mace, cubebs, mastiche and make an Electuary. 

If it is from an abundance of cold humours let the diatrion piperion 

and galangal be used and let him eat warm foods. 

Do this against thirst Let him eat cucumber seeds, purslane, 

lettuce, sorrel and orach, equal parts of each. 

A Syrup: — 

Juice of sorrel, lettuce, purslane and mallow àâ. Make a décoction 

and add half an ounce of tragacanth and make a syrup with sugar. 

If he is still thirsty after taking the medicine nothing is so good to 

gîve as chicken broth. 

For Belching from a hot cause or bad complexion of the stomach 

or of the humors. Give an electuary of Abbot s diarrhodon^ ; the 

three sandals; diacitoniton *• and rosata (Plate IX, 

fig. 6, left column.) 

* Nicolaus Myrepsus, No. 117. f Idim^ No. 105. % làêm. No. 112, &c 

§ (?) Dlacinamomiy idûm^ No. 468, 476 and 506. || Id$m^ No. aaa. 

% liiMy No. 94. 

** Diaeydium, a purgative containing quince and jalap. 

tt li^^f No. 104. 

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i8 Master John Arderae 

From a cold cause. 
Let the materies morbi be dîgested wîth oxymel and, if ît be from 
a fâulty State of the humours, the materies morbi being digested, 
let it be purged ofF with turpith and hiera picra, &c Note that 
turpith should never be given unless the third part îs ginger, or 
with milk of almonds. 

And thèse remédies are aiso useful against belching, viz.: — Mint : 
calamint ; origanum ; rue âà. ; caraway and cloves. Then let the 
patient eat in the evening of Diacinimum, diagalangy and afterward 
he may hâve a draught of wine ; and plums soaked in wine and 
heated as hot as he can bear them laid on his stomach. 
Against hiccough. (Plate IX, fîg. 7, left column.) 
Let the leech tell the patient to hold his breath as long as possible. 
But if this does not stop the hiccough make him vomit, with 
radishes and mastiche. Let him drink warm water with a décoc- 
tion of dill. Rue, too, drunk with wine is useful in such cases. 
Against retching. 

R. A mixture of sugar and vinegar to be given in lukewarm water. 
It is also good in acute fevers. 

To keep in health he says that no one should eat more than he 
can digest, because if he does so squeamishness results and the 
humours are either hot or cold. If hot the materies morbi can be 
digested with oxysacchara or with acidulated syrup since the things 
digested can be purged with tamarinds. If it is at the mouth 
of the stomach give him warm water mixed with oxysacchara or 
acidulated syrup. If the materies morbi is cold at the mouth of 
the stomach it can be digested with oxymel. Let roUs (?) be made 
and put into oxymel and give 5ii in a solution of rocksalt. 
For coldness of the stomach and against Flatulence. (Plate IX, 
fig. 8, left column.) 

R. Mastiche, cloves, cubebs and cardamons 5j^ ; cinnamon, ginger, 
spikenard and anise ââ. 5iii ; oxymel 5ii ; musk nut 5i and as much 
sugar as ail the rest ; lignum aloes 5iii. 

Make a powder of dry mint and let it be rubbed up and powdered 
and put it in pottage. This will cleanse the stomach of putrid 

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Plate X. 

<^ ? 


fftiC: \vmtm iiçcrfr'^i-tK'*"*^* * fjifl«i*<» 
e,(^ r'»^- f»'* '** *^^' ^''"^ '°'*^ ''î*^ 

Ai^ *i%*if«i« ta V.m m*&r »n*t^ *"**^^ 

fen* j>c«** (ti)( ««"^ I anAni* ;♦ ^ laifc* Tt^r 
«« , r, H ?ï iriCii.'T^^Ç fi»' fn-r ^^* 

lie fttfî.iVH' p*'t*f^* r-m rn VffSfit*** W^ 

« . n^*é' f»jNm rrf*f.îtt* • *-î «T<i P<*f 'ï 
p F^j. fTf «^ m a î^ rti*rt« rii .«ri'«|il ti 
ffi^il rti«rùcuiim*t m i*!*»"^'*!'*'^!*** 

v-|4'ffi/-i»»»" c f /rna*» ««ut*.iui^<i,T Ci vin 

V''" i*^ A'êMntlKf. ,? W** f««* ^ 

U*- ff-i^w fi \v«r -^ 'i!^ f^ ^'1" "^ ' ^ 

*t/*ï^c^;ï.-,«^K,< . .^ icm fiMtwr «»«tr* 
AuicA *A.f .!,♦ ,cttt ti^' fïjiTMr "n««*?< » 
.V*f<l« T f ttMngtii*u|açjriiti**'*<-|<tr «f'i'''' 

i Ml nfrV miuitii» 'i'»/i fWfffi^*«nnu 
^ (me 'î^iKiiqwi .|.oi Vi^rr*!'» "(T'V** w* 

,t «« ffti^rtW ^Vi* Cnttf m*ï*fint* 
^aJf^fhit >:(*■ V115"' Y' n^fc f^i- nt^ 

^»*T*î''i*^"• fyjiain 'i**IW|« ;riA*«i4 r 
ï.,f<# <iA< H^r-Aj-^juntïtin îmtui* >? \V<i»* . 
rir citl* 'Vill«t' •S^Jtr.n f M^ ^c* n/.f »i» • 
•*%»d ttnfi Vnmc ftr'^ 'fcvnuHr'tû nitA >e 
^^lo'ffvV - tfi n f<*9 JèTimin cfTrtTfê Vf^ ■- 

tnâ^fi.1 nitii» tii^' l^^ fittirtiVni/ Vm^^ 

ft r*rrfr ^i« iff* «lîK «O* rn*ittitrc «jpt îHf • 

rtiV^*A;ce fii|}0n< min-' mir*" ,?** fHifmii 
1^1^ M> tcj- ï n«r virfi<frfiTmtr^Vii/'ti</' «n 

^ l'Ait tti«€pr (hmSV K «^V? .tT ;iik'îC ^ 

\<4)rul| m Vtirn'c r'^iri»*'i m' rh«lirn'finf|'* 
*\A ^**''^ff tn*nt ^ nantir nifiii" lV**** 
Cl \( '^ îkitî^, i^wfi .'"îiS^ p .f»n^:.V*rt..('' 

fit Srt(r.**î;<j^ »U<* iT II;*» rHomiA ti:'M/î« 

tn^min{ct:tê Aii^fudu .'tfîttt *tm^ 

fjcut i-rtiiii* t^tf^m ;<.«*»* 5* '*'' '♦<^»1 

Wifi,'' (Çïîtt ' rrttiniîw i- iri* ê«i: 1 rM X «* 

Tftinsr e ïff "an 

f J^.a- V-t 

Digitized by 

Surgeon of Newark 19 

• . . .* is with purgîng if the hurtful humor seules at the 
orifice of the stomach it should be done before dinner, but if it is 
in the centre or in the pit of the stomach the évacuation should 
be after a meal whence it happens that it is better to gîve rîch 
and fatty things that the attraction may be easier and quicken 
To stop Yomitin^. Bandage the limbs and rub them. 
The following are local remédies : — Barley meal, plantain juice, 
. . . . and a little vinegar with stale bread. Make a plaister 
of them and put it over the entrance of the stomach. There is also 
a spécial syrup ; juice of mint and juice of endive àâ. with pome- 
granates. Make a syrup with Alexandrine sugar. Powdered 
cow's horn, also, drunk with rainwater stops every external and 
internai haemorrhage. 

Against distension of the Stomach. (Plate X, fig. i, left column.) 
R. Warm a brick, wrap it in three folds of linen and place it over 
the painful spot as hot as it can be borne. 

Also R. Smallage seed, nasturtium and parsley digested and 
pounded. Make a plaister and apply it over the place. It is good 
against bellyache. 
A Plaister against stomachache. 

R. Hyssop, absinthe, dill. Let them be digested in wine and 
made into a plaister. This plaister relieves flatulence and dis- 
tension as does also the diaciminum electuary. 
Against bellyache when wonns are the cause. (Plate X, fig. 2, 
left column.) 

Let the materies morbi be digested with oxysacchara or syrup of 
vinegar. Purge afterwards with a proper chologogue. If the 
humours are phlegmatic they should be digested with the 
followmg :— 

R. Mint ; calamint ; origanum ; borage ; nasturtium ââ., a 
handful of each ; of fennel root, parsley and lily àâ., a handful ; 
cinnamon 3^ ; cassia lignum 3ii ; ginger 5i ; galangal 5}. Make 
a syrup after the materies morbi is digested. 
R. Ginger and Turpith electuary 5i, and give it to the patient 

^ A paragrapb " Against Nausea " which is so damaged as to be illegible» 

Digitized by 


20 Master John Arderae 

wkh milk of Almonds. Some patients hâve pain after taking 

this medicine. 

R. Dîgest mallow roots ; marsh mallow ; fennel ; parsley and 

smallage ââ. 

Wash the painful part wîth the water in which the décoction was 

made and let the plaister be afterwards appHed. 

The followtng mellicrat* may be given to a patient suffering 

from a lîentery.f (Plate X, fig. 3, left column.) 

Give of mellicrat 3iss. myrobalanes^ chebulae and myrobalanes 

citrinae. Let them be dissolved in rosewater for two days and 

let the water after they are dissolved be used according as 

.... and the digested materies morbi be evacuated with hîera 

picra, or the benedicta.§ Anoint the patient back and front from 

the stomach to the flanks with run honey mixt with mint, mastiche 

and mustard. Another treatment is R. Juice of mint and treacle 

rubbed in front and back and let the patient hâve food which 

is tender and dry. 

Against dysentery when the cause is in the liver and moist. 

Purge the patient well. R. The clôt of a hare cooked in rain 

water and given with a syrup made of plantains, &c 

* Mellicrat was a mixture of honey and water originally used as a libation 
when sacrifidng, but afterwards introduced into medicine as a remedy. Nie. 
Myrepsus, " De antidotis," No. 337. 

t Lientery, a form of diarrhœa in which undigested food is passed. 

X Myrobalanes are the fruit of several species of Terminalia and of the 
Phyllanthus emblica, '* A kind of outlandish Prune/' says Salmon ['< The New 
London Dispensatory/' 1678, p. 79] , " not known to the Greeks, but found out 
by the Ârabians. They grow in the East Indies, and are found wild in 
Goa, being a fruit sharp in taste much like to service berries." The five 
sorts of Myrobalanes are (i) The Bellerick to purge Flegm: (2) the Chebulae 
which first purge Flegm, then Choler: (3) the Citrine or yellow which purge 
Choler: (4) the Emblick which purge Flegm and water: (5) the Indian or 
black which purge Melancholy. Dose from 5vi-i^i88. The Bellerick are round : 
the Chebulse long with corners : the Citrine are round like the Bellerick : the 
Indian bUck and eight cornered. Myrobalans were much used in medicine 
until the middle of the seventeenth century in the treatment of diarrhœa and 
dysentery, for it is said that, like castor oil, they acted first as a laxative a^d 
then as an astringent. 

§ Benedicta laxativa, Nicolaus Myrepsus, " De Antidotis,*' No. 509. Vide 
p. 33. 

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Surgeon of Newark 21 

Against Thirst. 

R. A handful of roses ; dried myrtle 5iîî ; of ash leaves ; mallow 

seeds S| ; sugar bread Ibs. iii ; rose water Ib. i. Make a syrup 

in rain water. 

An electuary R. Syrup of saunders and syrup of poppies âà* Ib. J ; 

syrup of roses ; confection of red roses. Essence of unperforated 

pearls 5v ; dragons blood* Siî ; bole armorie iuf 

Mixed well together and încorporated. 

A plaister. R. Boli [armorie] and dragon's blood àâ. jj; galls 

of oak bark and plantain seed ââ. Si; roses 3}. Let them be 

boiled in rainwater. 

The best cure. R. The yolks of eggs in boiled vinegar, rubbed 

up and sprinkled, with powdered galls and sumach and given to 

the patient 

If it is from a hot cause. Let bran be boiled to prevent griping 

and let a quantity of one lagena of waterj be injected. Make 

a fomentation of a décoction of mallow and marsh mallow, Bears 

breech and wheaten flour. 

In like manner make an ointment of fenugrek, cornflour, hen s 

fat, goosefat and goat s spleen. Dissolve and add wax and oil. 

Let the inside of the pot be smeared with the ointment. Make 

it hot. Sprinkle vinegar on it and when the steam rises let it be 

inhaled through a funnel. 

If from a cold cause make a fomentation of myrrh and the leaves 

of leeks with a little castoreum or make a décoction of them, &c. 

* Dragon's blood. The resin obtained from the fruit of Calamus draco. 
There are several varieties, the Canary, East Indian, Socotrine and West 
Indian. It may hâve been the Cinnabar of Dioscorides. It was reputed to 
stop ail sorts of âuxes and spitting of blood, staying catarrhs and strengthening 
the stomach. Outwardly it healed wounds, stopped bleeding, fastened the 
teeth and, applied to the Navel, stopped dysenteries. 

t Bole Ârmoric, an earth of a reddish brown colour due to the présence 
of iron oxide. It was imported from Armenia. Many kinds of similar and 
argillaceous earth — clay containing iron oxide, chalk and magnesia — ^were 
imported in the form of small cakes or flat masses stamped with certain 
impressions and hence known as terra sigUlata. Bole Ârmoric was used as 
an astringent both externally and intemally. — (See ** Terra Sigillata," C. J. S. 
Thompson, Proc. Int. Cong. Med.^ London, 1913.) 

l A flaskful. 

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22 Master John Ardeme 

Prolapse of thc Rectum.* 

R. Penny royal, marjoram. Make a décoction and let hîm receive 

the steam or let him sit over thèse herbs. (Plate X, figs. 4 and 5.) 

Make a powder of them and let him be sprinkled with the flowers 

over the prolapsed anus. 

Against Passio Iliaca. 

If wind is the cause. R. Take the hot seedst and powder them 

with absinthe and warm wine. Make a plaister and put it over the 

place. Thèse are electuaries for it : — diacuminum ; J dianisum ; 

diaspermaton. Let the plaister be applied over the place. Make 

it from oil of violets, lily roots, marshmallow and wheaten flour. 

Make it into a plaister. Let him hâve chicken panade and pork 


A^ainst the Colic. Digest with syrup .... Si ; and lily root. 

Infuse them together and put in a quarter of a pound of oil and let 

it be applied with an instrument. 

For worms. R. Centaury and absinthe mixed and drunk with 

white wine. Item R. drink hart's-horn with sait and it should be 

exhibited with milk. 

Note. A Plaister for killing ail kinds of worms. 

R. Millefoil .... and vinegar or sour wine well cooked 
together. Apply it below the navel as hot as can be borne. 

Note, too, that centaury cooked in wine kills snakes and ail worms 
in the belly. 

Against Gonorrhoeal inflammation. § 

Purslane seed ; water lentil ; water lily and psidium àâ. Si. Make 

a syrup. 

Against a bad complexion of the Liyer. (Plate XI, fig. i, left 


Let the materies morbi be digested and evacuated with diapru- 

num 5j or purged with a drachm of rhubarb, or let it be evacuated 

^ Henry IV su£fered from prolapse of the rectum, ife died 20 March, 1413. 

t Vidé p. 13. î Nie. Myrepsus, " De Antidotis," No. 328. 

§ Any urethral discharge was called gonorrhœal, so that purulent urine 
assocîated with chronic cystitis, pyelitis, tuberculous disease, &c., would be 
included. Gonorrhœa specifically Ardeme calls ** chaude pisse " {vide p. 28). 

Digitized by 


Surgeon of Newark 23 

with a drachm of hiera cerevisîa acuta with a drachm of rhubarb. 

Thèse often act until [/^ materies morbt] îs evacuated. One 

scruple of endive, mallow and willow leaves extracted by a bath, 

made up as a lozenge with bramble syrup 5i. 

\0f basilicon]. A plaister for external apph'cation. Sandals, 

roses, animal charcoal with juice of nîghtshade, warm vinegar 

and a little oil of roses with barley meal. Some add juice of 

plantain to the barley meal. Apply it externally over the liver. 

It is also useful in obstruction in a warm complexion. 

In cold cause let the materies morbi be digested with diuretic 

oxymel* and décoction of eupator, root of fennel, parsley and 

smallage ââ. ; absinthe ; the materies morbi being digested let it be 

evacuated with an equal mixture of benedictf and hiera picra. 

The materies morbi being evacuated make a stupe with décoction 

of origanum, calamint, absinthe, smallage, saliva of bird s tongue, 

cloves [and oxymel] on the stupe. Let it be exhibited with one 

drachm of aurea alexandrina.J 

Against constipatioii when it is due to deformity of the liver and 

hot materies morbi. 

Digest the materies morbi thus : — R. endive, scolopendrium, 

maidenhair àà. one handful ; the four lesser cold seeds and 

fennel ââ. l\ ; sandals 3}. Make a syrup of them and purge the 

patient with rhubarb. 

* This is probably Mesue's Oxymelitis confectio Jalianios dicta. Nie. 
Mjrrepsus " De Oxymelitis," p. 580. 

f The Blessed Laxative, Benedicta Laxativa, was an electuary made of 
Turbith, Diagrydium, the bark of Spurge root and Hermodactyl with the seeds 
of fennel and anise, rock sait and honey. The electuary owed its laxative 
properties to the Diagrydium which was made by baking scammony in a hollow 
quince covered with paste. Nie : Myrepsus '' De Antidotis," Nos. 448, 507 and 509, 
Hiera picra was an aloetic purgative still largely sold in chemists' shops under 
varions names. The British Médical Journal, vol. i, 191 1, pp. 163 and 250, 
reports a case of a woman who stated that she had taken pills of hiera picra 
in the hope of producing a miscarriage. She died with the symptoms of 
poisoning from cantharides. The hiera picra was given as an electuary, it was 
one of many similar préparations — Nicolaus Myrepsus gives 37 hierae — which 
were kept by the apothecary in a dried form until wanted for use under the 
gênerai heading of 5^ea^.— (See «'Hiera Picra," C. J. S. Thompson, M.B.E.) 

{ A kind of opiate named either after Alexander, a physician« or Alexandria 
wbere it was first used. 

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24 Master John Arderne 

If it be from a cold cause he must by no means eat butcher's méat, 

but he may hâve the flesh of fowls. Let him sometimes drink 

poor man's broth and sometimes rich man's, but if he is a pauper 

let him drink his own urine. If, for any reason he will not drink 

it let him wash the région of the liver or collect his water for 4 

or 5 days and then make a décoction. Distil it and clear it with 

white of egg and of that water make a syrup with thèse seeds, 

smallage, carrot, parsley, caraway, fennel and the four cold seeds 

not cleansed, &c. âà. 3^, a handful of . . . . and an ounce of 

red saunders. Make a syrup with honey and sugar q.s. and give 

it with 5iii of benedict in a décoction of polypody, anise and fennel 


Against inflammation of the Liver from a Cold Cause. (Plate XI, 

fig. 2, left column.) 

R. Wool soaked in the juice of nightshade or of plantain for two 

or three days and let a pad of lint be applied over the part and 

they are counter irritants and afterwards let the patient use them 

for a résolvent. 

Make a plaister of barley meal and juice of absinthe to put over 

the liver. Afterwards maturatives such as wheaten flour with 

butter, or linseed, or fenugrek with fowl's lard. The abscess 

having burst and pus being produced it can then be evacuated 

with diarhubarb* or with hiera saracenicaf or with diaprunum. 

For a cold inflammation. Make a fomentation with lana succida^ 

soaked in wine and oil, the wine being decocted with centaury and 

roots of daffodil. 

Make an application of R. dry figs soaked in juice of absinthe and 

vinegar and strong lye, with the lard of geese and fowls^ Digest 

the materies morbi with this. 

R. of smallage ; of dill, [pars/ey and/enne/] àâ. 5j and of their roots 

ââ. Si. Make a syrup with honey and sugar. 

'*' Nie. Myrepsus, *< De Antidotis," Nos. 489 and 504. 

t Saracen's consound is the solidago saricenica. " It is a traumatic and 
vulnerary herb not inferior to any. It cures wounds and ulcers of the lungs, 
the yellow jaundice, long tedious agues and fevers : eaaes pain and is a good 
gargle.*' Surely a gift from the Crusades. 

t See page 9 noU. 

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Plate XI. 


««•« m iif«i iK«M M>« * rtMfMrt ** ti 

î«S!*i «"-^â^. vacKîS 

€fmfi««-'^<A mpDuMi fiAiii»»^ nUMtH 

^««tr (i #«^ Vtf«Aii » n i •5r«wn*^*^1* 
Aii^rvHmi f««K* ^ i^"»T #t1ri«) i^v'' '*»* 
ffîN V;^ f**t fTiHifhi r^# ffww rtil»«J 

m;? w«4€**r.r ittiiHii V»f««f» |«^»* *» *^»* • 
(aoi f^jMi* anou »»« i»if^ «rm pttlW' 

HdT fi «iMf p»*i«ri|.tir niï*rt«»r'«fiiji» 

y^g.r^ f^"'*^.'^ fi*^ft^^ 


V 1 


**f»* Ajptffïr' natw;. or lujw (efi »f*c* 


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To face p. 25 

Surgeon of Newark 25 

Against a flux of blood irom the liver. (Plate XI, ûg. 3, left 


Bleed from the Saphena vein. Make a syrup with rain water, 

décoction of sumach, of roses, of mastiche and of the cold seeds 

with syrup of plantain, 

A syrup for the same, Balaustines, psidium, roses, myrtle, àâ. 5i ; 

plantain seeds [and the seeds of quince and^ barberry ; terra sigillata, 

bole armoniac* âà. 5ss ; dragon's blood, red coral, lapis hamatitesf 

âà. two drachms. 

Make a syrup with rainwater and give it with rosewater. It is 

both astringent and alterative. 

Against Dropsy irom hot and cold cause. (Plate XI, fig. 4, left 


R. Yppie minor aqua. i.e. chekynmete:}; beanflour and oatmeal ââ, ; 

elderflowers and marshmallow. Take them ail, powdei* them and 

seethe them in pig s milk. Put it into a bag and place it on the 

chest The dropsy will be drawn into the purse of the testicles 

and the skin of that testicle can be then opened and the water let 

out. It must only be let out a little at a time and the hole must be 

dosed immediately. 

When this is done make a consolidating plaister of bole armoniac 

with incense, dragon s blood and white of egg. Put the plaister 

over the aperture. 

Also against dropsy when the materies morbi is in the fissure 

of the liver. Add a half a drachm of rhubarb if you wish to 

evacuate it, or this can be done with 5} of diaprunum or with 

half a drachm of trifera saracenica or with electuary of the juice 

of roses or g^ve him spikenard to drink in goat's whey. 

* See page ai. 

t The loadstone was thought to be préférable to steel [chalyb$] for médicinal 
purposes as an astringent and to increase the momentum of the blood. It was a 
powerful deobstruant and greatly promoted the menstrual discharges. 

I Added in English. Chicken méat is an old name for varions weedy plants 
includng the endive. It has now been narrowed down to Chickweed — the 
Stellaria média. The name hère used by Ardeme appears to be the same as 
that employed in the Simon. Barthol. anno 1387 [Anud. Oxon.] 25. Ippia minor, 

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26 Master John Arderne 

Against . . . .* (Plate XII, fig, i, left column.) 

(Close ?) the hole with the aforesaid powder of the three aforesaid 


Place ît on the fire and give ît to the patient în the moming, 

late at nîght, and also at mîd-day. 

Electuaries în cold cause are the followîng: trisandalon,t rosata 

novella; electuaries in cold cause are Abbot's diarrhodonf and 


Also for Jaundice with ascites and tympanites. 

Décoction of plantain juice boiled down to a half and given as 

a drink. It cures and is a well tried remedy. 

Also rub up earthworms in aqua benedicta|| or in wine. Give 

ît to the patient once a day for 5 days. Thîs too is a well tried 


For the splenic passion in xold cause with continacd lever. 

(Plate XII, fig. 2.) 

Anoînt the splenic région with butter made in the month of 

May lest the illness be increased by fever. If it be without fever 

digest the materies morbi thus : — R, Scolopendrium, endive, 

germander and ground pine ââ. a handful ; the bark of ash and 

red willow âà. one handful; an ounce of cuscuta, two drachms 

of capers ; borage juice Ib. J. 

Make a syrup with sugar. The materies morbi being digested 

purge it off with impérial cathartic.lT 

Also in cold cause let the materies morbi be digested with oxymel 

and décoction of scolopendrium, leek, capers, ashbark, tamarisk, 

and broom, fennel roots and parsley with honey and sugar q.s. 

* Undecipherable. t The mixed powders of the three Sandal woods. 

I DiarrhodoD powder consisting of rose leaves, sandal wood, cardamom 
seeds, powdered cinnamon, safiron and fennel. It was used as a stomachic 

§ Diacydium or diacitoniton was a purgative composed of quince and jalap. 

II The aqua Benedicta was an Antimonial wine used for megrim and head- 
ache &om a foui stomach. The dose was one-half to an ounce and a half. 

Y An electuary containing resin of Scammonj pleasant and dedicated to kings 
and great men because it thoroughly purges the whole body without hurting it 

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Plate XII. 

rriTSt^avc i7<^«îl«»»af"* f"*"^**-"* 

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To face D. 27 

Surgeon of Newark 27 

When the materîes morbî is digested purge wîth diasene or hiera 

pîcra* wîth a pîll of the 5 kinds of myrobolanes.t 

Of pain in the kidneys from a hot cause. (Plate XII, fig. 3.) 

If it be with rheum the patient should eat potherbs and mallow and 

it is a good thing to give diaprunum and the like (made) with cold 

herbs such as poppy and the like. 

If it be without rheum. Digest the materies morbi with sugar and 

vinegar or with syrup of vinegar and being digested purge it off 

with impérial cathartic or with .... or with syrup of roses. 

If it be from a cold cause let the materies morbi be digested with 

diuretic oxymel and afterwards with squills and purge with hermo- 

dactyl benedict. Bleed from the external saphenous in either cause 

after the évacuation of the materies morbi. 

If it comes from too much blood, bleed from the hepatic^: vein. 

If from a hot cause let the kidney région be anointed with oil of 

violets and May butter. 

Against Inflammation of the Kidneys. 

Make a décoction of the root of the lily, leek and hyssop and give 

it in goat's whey. 

Against Pissing blood with the urine. (Plate XII, fig. 4.) 

When it comes from repletion bleed from the hepatic vein ; when 

it comes from the spleen let the blood be drawn from the left side. 

Make a syrup of acacia or balaustines^ with plantain juice or a 

décoction of it. 

Against pain in the kidneys irom stone growing in it. 

A plaister of pigeon's dung and honey applied hot is good. 

Mustard also relieves pain in the kidneys and [bowels and] cures 

[swelltng] of the nerves. 

Item, against weakness of the Kidneys. 

R. Plantain well seethed in white wine. 

A drink against humor in the kidneys or [bladder] is wont .... 

wisdom most for boys that [do not bear médecines well. Gromwell 

seeds one"] Ib. and rub up well in a mortar and [pour on it hot water 

and cleanse it] well and let it be given daily. 

* Viiê p. 23, t V%d$ p. 20. 

X (Le.) the basilic. § Wild pomegranate. 

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28 Master John Arderae 

[tAroug'Â] a cloth eîght they feel. For • . . . cure of the 

Cure of the stone R . . . . 
they will issue . . . . ââ. Siii of pepper 
with stones .... 
with honey .... 
and on an empty stomach of • . . • 
with a décoction of saxifrage or ... . 

an aqueous infusion of . . . .* (Plate II, fig. i, right column.) 
To break a stone. 

R. [Remove] a boar's bladder from its place and empty it of the 
water. Fill it with the blood of a he-goat aged four years or 
at any rate not less than three years old. The goat should hâve 
been fed on betony and saxifrage with fennel, parsley, butcher's 
broom, asparagus, milium solis and barley and afterwards in 
summer with ivy berries before the berries hâve begun to blacken. 
Give it to the patient to drink with lukewarm white wine. But 
if you wîsh to test it, put into the (pig s) bladder a similar stone 
. . , . with the aforesaid blood and you will find the stone 
reduced to powder within seven days &c. 
For those who piss blood irom the kidneys or bladder. 
Make hydromel from a décoction of the tincture of succory, 
smallage and bramble with fig juice. Let it be drunk daily for it 
cleanses the urinary tract well as Avicenna bears witness. 
A wine of décoction .... aquatica, anise .... with juice 
of pellitory quickly provokes urine. 

For the disease which (ts called) chaudepisse. (Plate II, fig. 2, 
right column.) 

R. [Parsley and bail it] in water [until] it is turned \inio a 
mucilage] let it be well shaken with oil of roses or violets and then 
add \to if] the milk of a nursing woman ââ., in which [liçuor] 
camphor is dissolved and inject with a syringe. 
For those who cannot retain their water. (Plate II, fig. 3, right 
R. Let him take frequendy in pottage the bumt hooves from pigs* 

"*" Thèse passages are tmdecipherable from injury to the M S. 

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Surgeon of Newark 29 

feet and a powder made from them. He will be freed (from his 

infirmity) but he must abstain from everythîng which provokes 

urine. Apply this plaster over the kîdneys. R. Acorns, psidium, 

balaustine, acacia, roses, bole, and holly ana Biiii ; lapidanus (?) 

Ib. iii. Mix them with myrtle syrup and make a plaisten Use 

it with barley, oats, almond, pirus, lemon and purslane. 

Let it be used with a heavy wine and plenty of water. Item, a 

powder of the bladder of a bull, pig or goat with a décoction of 

acorns taken as a drink soon helps, and it should be boiled, if 

necessary in rainwater. I hâve tried it many times. 

Note, that according to Alexander* acorns are styptic as is seen 

in strangulated .... and chestnuts equally but to a less 


For prolapse of the Rectum. (Plate II, fig. 4, right column.) 

Make a fomentation of galls, psidium, balaustines and comfrey. 

Seethe them in rainwater and vinegar. 

For any cause leading to prolapse of the rectum. 

Let the patient be bled from the saphena vein at the outside of 

the ankle and give a [^fomentation of galls ^ oak^ bark, pome^ranate 

and comfrey infused in rain\ water. 

In cold cause wine with sulphur. Make a fumigation with psidium 

and galls. 

In hot cause with vinegar let balaustines be given with psidium ; 

for consoldatives {bugle, daisy) and comfrey in water. f 

Against severe and intolérable pruritus ani. (Plate II, fig. 5, 

right column.) 

R. Juice of celandine, tapsibarbastus}, strained honey ââ. Boil each 

of them to dryness and then take them off the fire and put them 

aside for future use. When you want to use it for pruritus take 

as much as you want to use and put on it powdered burnt vitriol 

and burnt copperas. Boil them together again if necessary until 

a firm ointment is made. Put a little on the anus, and the itching 

"^ Âlexander of Trallea fl. ssec : vi a.d. 

t Henry IV suffered from Prolapse of the rectum, so the condition ezcited 
a good deal of attention at the time this MS. was written. 
X Moth Mullein nsed for coughs and spitting of blood. 

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30 Master John Arderae 

will certaîniy cease, and even pruritus in every part of the body. 

This ointment is called tapsimel from Tapsibarbastus and mel 

(honey). Forsooth, thîs îs a notable and noble ointment.* 

Against Rupture. (Plate III, fîg. i, right column.) 

R. The four consolidating juîcesf and polypodyt ââ. Crush them 

together in a mortar and put oakbark and rubia major^ âà. 3ii into 

the powder. Wash them with the best red wine that can be 

procured. Put them in a glass vessel and let them stand for 

4 days .... from the day of putting on the iiii consolidating 

juîces and polypody. And when you wish to operate give it to the 

patient to drink and place the lees over the rupture with a bandage 

applied secundum artem. Do this for nine days and the rupture 

will be cured. 

A health drink to be used daily. 

R. Hyssop and horehound for the chest ; catsmint and absinthe for 

the lungs; mint • • . • and smallage heals the belly; sage 

and . • . . heal even the stomach and bowels. 

A good prayer to bc said. (Plate III, fig. 2, right column.) 

O God, Who hath wonderfuUy created mankind and hast more 

wonderfully reformed him, who hath given medicines to govem 

the health of men's bodies, of Thy great goodness look down from 

Heaven and give Thy blessing to this antidote or electuary or 

* Ârdeme's tapsimel survived him for many years and was in use until the 
middle of the eighteenth centur j. Alleyne says in the ** New English Dispensa- 
tory" (London, 1733, p. 336): *' Powers of scabious, VàUnHa scMosa: The 
Powers of muUen, Tapsi valentia ; and honey of mullen, tapsimel were the con- 
trivances of John Ârderne, an experienced surgeon at Newark in Nottingham- 
shire, who lived in the reign of Edward III.'* 

The formula for making tapsimel, as given by Alleyne is : ** Take of the 
juice of celandine and one part muUen, of despumated honey two parts : boil 
gradually till the juices are evaporated : adding thereunto, if the operator pleases, 
calcined vitriol and alum with copperas and again boil into an ointment. It will 
certainly cure itchings in any part of the body and is a most noble ointment/' 
says the author. 

t The four juices were those of Consolida major [Comfrey], C. média 
[Bugle] » C. minima [the daisy] , and C. Regalis [larkspur] • 

} Polypodium quercinum — ^the Oakfern. It was used in many décoctions, 
diet drinks and medicated aies. 

§ Mangiota (?) Bengal madder* 

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Surgeon of Newark 31 

potion, &c., that the bodîes of those whom ît shall enter may be 
worthy to receive health of mind and body through Christ our 
Lord. Amen. 

This confection is usefol for headache and likewise for madness 
and for rheum of the eyes (Plate III, ûg. 3, right column) and also 
for causes în the ears and teeth ; and for paralysîs and for ail 
who are în any way abnormal. It also relieves those who cough, 
those who suffer from mouth or liver troubles and the pleurîtic. 
It relieves fevers and colds and poisoned bites. It is very inimical 
to the bites of venomous animais and of a scorpion and snake ; 
[it relieves] the leprous and those afflicted with impétigo. It is 
even serviceable for bleeding whether from the mouth or from 
piles or in a pregnant woman. It stops ail fluxes of the belly 
and it is also good for the arthritic, the nephritic and the sciatic. 
It brings relief to the gouty (Plate IV, fig. i, right column) : — 
R. Of confection magma* of long and round pepper ; balm of 
Gilead ââ. Siii ; ginger and florentine orris Si ; opium ; agarick 
and eastern aloes àà. Siii ; cinnamon bark, peony, lily root, white 
pepper, dittany, and oleaster epithem.t .... aristolochia 
longa ââ. 5xii ; myrrh 5 10; squills ; asafoetida; celtic nard^ ; 
sweet smelling juncus ; chestnuts and goldilocks. Spikenard, 
gum arabic, acacia ââ. 58 ; sugar and cinquefoil ââ. 5vi ; peony, 
rhubarb, calamint, turpentîne, yellow gentian, aniseed, cinnamon, 
carpobalsam,§ tragacanth; cardamon seeds; meadow saxifrage ; 
gum arabic ; storax .... smallage ; calamint ; elecampane ; 
galls ; cypress ; laurel berries and flowers, &c. asphalte ; galba- 
num ; St. John s wort .... savory and silphium and cyperus 
ââ. 4 ounces; opoponax three ounces, ammoniac three ounces. 
Two to three drachms may be given to an adult according to 
his strength. Give it to him hot whilst he has the flux on him 
but cold for others. 

* Magma — the sédiment. 

f An Epithem was a moist and soft ezternal application wbich was not an 
cnntment or salve. 

} The Celtic nard had virtues similar to Valerian. 

§ Carpobalsam the fruit of the Balsam tree growing in Syria and Ârabia felix. 

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32 Master John Arderae 

Against Spasm i.e. Cramp. (Plate IV, fig. 2, right column.) 
Bryony root seethed în water and afterwards crushcd [by îtself or] 
with Agrippina* and with oil of [linseed] or with marshmallow 
ointment or oil of lilies or camomile applied to the neck as 
a plaister cures the cramp in whatever limb it occurs because 
the origin of ail nerves is in the neck and cramp is due to 
a contraction of the nerves at the roots, tj 

The foUowing charm has been found most satisfactory in cases 
of cramp by many who hâve used it both in foreign countries 
and at home, 

Take a sheet of parchment and wrîte on it the first sîgn 
H Thebal H Suthe Q Gnthenay £8 • In the name of the 
Father £9 and of the Son E3 and of the Holy Ghost El 
Amen H • Jésus of Nazareth H Mary S John BEI Michael 
H Gabriel H Raphaël ffl The Word was made Flesh H . 
The sheet is afterwards closed like a letter so that it cannot 
be readily opened. And he who carries that charm upon him 
in good faith and in the name of the Omnipotent God and firmly 
believes in it will without doubt never be troubled with the cramp.;}: 

^ See page g. 

t It is noticeable that the writer of this 1412 MS. has altered the physiologj 
of the passage, for the Sloane MS. states that the source of ail diseases is in the 
neck, and cramp is due to a contraction of the muscles at their origin. 

I The section on the treatment of cramp by a charm is much abridged. 
The writer has omitted the £act that Arderne obtained it from *< a certain knight, 
the son of Lord Reginald de Grey de Schirloud near Chesterfield, who was 
at Milan with the Lord Lionel, at the time when the Lord Lionel, son of the 
king of England, married the daughter of the Lord of Milan. The English 
there were troubled with spasms due to their potations of the strong and hot 
wines of the country and of too many carouses." The knight had with him the 
foUowing charm and saw a certain gentleman so troubled with the spasm that 
his head was drawn backward nearly to his neck, just like a crossbow, and he 
was almost dead from pain and starvation. And when the said knight saw this 
he brought the charm written on parchment and placed it in a purse and put 
it on the neck of the patient whilst those who stood by said the Lord's Frayer, 
and one to our Lady Mary, and as he swore faithfuUy to me, within four honrs 
or five he was restored to health." Lionel, Duke of Clarence, married Violante, 
the daughter of Galeazzo Visconti at the door of Milan Cathedral on June 5th, 

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Surgeon of Newark 33 

Âgainst Bleeding Piles. (Plate IV, ûg. 3, right column.) 

Moîsten the finest wheaten flour* with juîce of millefoil and make 

ît into pills and gîve three or four of them daily in the momîng 

moistened with wine of the décoction of millefoil or of plantain 

or of shepherd's purse, or of nettles or {of periwinkle). 

And phlebotomy should be performed from the basilic vein of the 

arm on account of the previous materies morbi and afterwards from 

the saphenous at the outer ankle. The tibial saphenous diverts 

the haemorrhoidal flux and permanently restrains the piles. Note 

that ail authors say that remédies which restrain the piles also 

restrain the menses and vice versa. 

Against Inilamed Piles. (Plate IV, fig. 4, right column.) 

Wash (the part ?) in the juice of parsley and sait set aside whilst 

hot until it has cooled, and let this be renewed many times and 

this is a sure remedy for swoUen piles. And if powdered (cummin ?) 

is put on it or added it will act ail the better. 

Powdered hare — bumt— stops the bleeding from piles better than 

anything. It should be mixed with white of t^g^ and with unbumt 

hare's fur and placed over them with butcher's broom or with 

a light stupe. 

It is relie ved by the yolk of a hard-boiled ^gg to which oil of roses 

with saffron has been added. Rubbed up separately and applied 

on wool this relieves in ail causes in a wonderful manner. Note 

that for the pain of piles nothing cold should be applied. 

Against Sciatica. (Plate V, fig. i, right column.) In the first 

place let the materies morbi be digested with syrup of fumitory 

and afterwards purge it off with a vomit and then with a laxative 

made as follows : — 

R. Hermodactylf two parts ; turbithj and agaric§ one part. Give 

* White wheat is called Siligo ; the red Triticum ; the gray bearded wheat 
Ador or Pyrus — the word hère used» Ador, was the purest and finest wheat. 

f Hermodactyl probably colchicum as it was considered a spécifie for goût. 
It was a cathartic and was of three kinds white, yellow and black. 

{ Turpeth was a root with properties similar to hermodactyl but somewhat 
more active. Where Agaric failed Turbith took efiect and when this was insuffi- 
dent Colocynth was given. 

§ Agaric was the fungus growing on the Larch tree — Polyporus officinalis. 
It was given as a cathartic. The dose was 5i-5ii. 

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34 Master John Arderae 

it to the patient and then make a soothing plaister to be placed 

over the sciatic, made thus : — 

Camomile and herb ivy a handful of each ; the yolks of four hard 

boiled eggs and breadcrumb with vinegan Make a plaister and 

then cautérise as you know how to do. 

Âgainst Goût. (Plate V, fig. 2, right column.) 

Take a sufficient quantity of black soap and add to it as much of 

the yolk of raw eggs as equals one half of the quantity of soap. 

Mix them thoroughly together in a box or bowl until the soap has 

lost its colour. When this is done spread it thinly on a strip of 

linen with a spatula or the thumb and apply it forcibly over the 

painfui part. But over this plaister put a protective layer made of 

the whîte of egg and wheaten flour on a linen cloth. Let this be 

applied firmly above the aforesaid plaister to prevent its removal 

before the proper time unless any need for doing so arises. 

Âgainst Goût from a hot cause. 

R. Horsefat or marrow and mix saffron with it. And if it be from 

a cold cause mix Euphorbium with the fat. 

In goût from either cause.* A plaister of green laurel and honey 

made with the lard of a maie pig. 

Being rubbed in a certain abbot was freed of goût in the foot in 

a single night so that he could ride next morning.t 

Of Arthritic Inflammation. (Plate V, fig. 3, right column.) 

A certain priest cured ail his patients who sufTered thus from 

a cold cause with the juice of the flowers of broom and honey 

cooked together until the honey was dry.J He anointed the place 

with it and in good sooth I hâve often proved its value. 

Against arthritic and sciatic inflammation, and against dryness of 

the nerves and tension of the nerves a plaister is useful com- 

pounded of wax mingled with oïl of décoction of herb ivy and 

* Le. hot or cold. 

f Ârderae says that he himself cored this abbot. He thonght so highly of 
the ointment that he advises its composition to be held ** privy and predoos and 
show it not but to thy son or to one as well beloved." 

I Ardeme does not claim to hâve used it, but says that <' Maister Roger saw 
the cures of the said priest and afterwards wrote of them that they were sooth.*' 

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Surgeon of Newark 35 

powdered cinnamon or of wax and cinnamon only. It should be 

applied to the painful part whenever it hurts. 

A Ruptorium* [ts mode in the following manner^ 

R. Let quicklime after burning be well mixed with black soap 

wîth a spatula by placing on it a little fasting spittle. Keep it 

well rubbed until it becomes tolerably thick and then set it aside 

for an hour. Then rub a little butcher's broom into the ointment 

and make a round pill as large as you wîsh the hole to be. Put 

a linen cloth over tlie place where you want the hole and fix the 

cloth with diachylon. Make a hole just in the middle of the cloth 

as large as the hole you require in the limb as is hère depicted : 

Âgainst goût. (Plate V, fig. 4, right column.) 

Make a Clyster whether the cause is hot or cold and for ail pains 

in the joints as well as in ail serions wounds whether in the head or 

of the muscles or nerves and in ail injuries caused by shaking, and 

always in every opération let a clyster be the first thing. A clyster 

made of milk and honey with a little sait injected through the anus 

purges equally well the choler, phlegm and melancholy. 

To kill Worms in the BcUy. (Plate VI, fig. i, right column.) 

Barberry, zedoary seedsf powdered and drunk with milk and it is 

best if it be drunk with mare's milk. It kills ail worms and snakes 

living in the human body. 

Item. Garden nasturtium or watercress drunk with the seed of 

earthworms;}; kills ail intestinal worms. 

Note that in ail cases of difficnlty in pissing black soap 

vigorously beaten up with pitch and afterwards placed over the 

navel in the shell of a large nut (walnut§) and tied on speedily 

makes the patient pass urine and in ail rétention of urine provokes 

its passage. (Plate VI, fig. 2, right column.) 

* Â Ruptorium was employed to destroy the skin over an abscess in 
préférence to incising it. 

t Zedoary consisted of the roots of Kampferia rotonda. It was in great repute 
as a remedy for rheumatism. There is no mention of the seeds being used. 

\ The seed of earthworms does not occor in the earlier texts. 

§ GI088. 

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36 Master John Arderae 

I hâve tried it on one kîng* and two bîshops in foreign parts. 

And note that the stuff ought to be warm when it is applied, 

because warm applications are soothing and solvent. 

It once saw a young man who had a stone lodged in bis pénis 

as large as a bean which could neither be passed through the eye 

of the pénis nor could it be pushed backwards but stuck in the 

middle of the pénis, as is hère depicted : — 

I easily cured him too by an incision. (Plate VI, fig, 3, right 


I put the youth on his back and tied the pénis on each side of the 

stone with linen threads to prevent the stone escaping elsewhere, 

and, having made a small incision over the stone with a lancet, 

I squeezed it out and afterwards secured the outer skin over the 

hole with a needle and thread. I then applied an astringent of 

white of egg and finely ground flour having previously placed next 

the wound powdered dragon's blood and bole and cotton. I 

wrapped up the pénis in an old and thin pièce of linen wetted 

with the aforesaid astringent and sent him away in peace for three 

days4 Also in another dressing I loosened and removed the 

stitch and with the aforesaid powder or with white ointment or 

gum arabic I completely cured him in fifteen days. 

And you need not be alarmed even though urine comes through 

the wound for three or four days, for the patient will certainly 

be cured. 

When the pénis or vulva is inflamed, with beat, redness, great 

swelling and excessive pain. After puncture take a slender wooden 

clyster pipe such as is hère depicted (Plate VI, fig. 4, right 

column) and inject some warm milk and warm water with it 

between the prépuce and the glans. Squeeze the orifice of the 

pénis at the end of the prépuce with your finger to prevent the 

fluid escaping too much and do this twice at each sitting. 

* The king was presumably John of Gannt, titular king of Castile; we hâve 
no means of determining the identity of the two bishops. 

f This history is hère told of an individoal and not impersonally as in the 
earlier MSS. 

I i.e., did not dress him for three days. 

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Surgeon of Newark 37 

Afterwards take oil of roses and put it into the bladder of the 
enema and put it wîth the clyster pipe into warm water and when 
it is warm inject the contents as I hâve said. 

When this is done take a pièce of linen as wide as six thumbs' 
breadth and smear it well with the ointment of the yolk of a raw 
egg rubbed up with oil of roses. Wrap up the pénis and afterwards 
support it in a bag so that the head of the pénis does not hang 
down and thus increase the swelling. Repeat this once a day 
generally in the evening it will effectually relieve the pain, beat 
and other bad symptoms and will assuredly produce a satisfactory 
discharge without any further addition. It is a great help too, if 
the pénis be fomented daily with a décoction of mallows, violets, 
[^Aenôane'] and bran, 

Ascertain as soon as the prépuce can be retracted whether there is 
an ulcer or vesicle beneath it, then mingle powdered aloes with the 
sharp white ointment and let them be well incorporated together. 
But if the cure is to be brought about as quickly as possible breathe 
the saphenous vein at the inner ankle in both feet. This form of 
phlebotomy is very helpful and should in no wise be omîtted. 
Some affections of the Testicles and their Purses. (Plate VII, 
fig. I, right column.) 

They also suffer from ulcers, excoriations and pustules, itching and 
many other bad conditions like erysipelas, herpès and wounds. 
They may also be hurt by dog-bites or from castration in some 
people. It also happens that both testicles swell though occa- 
sionally only one is enlarged, but this happens from injuries like 
mounting a horse or from a blow or from wateriness. Be it 
noted that always in every opération (upon them) blood should 
be taken from the vein behind the inner ankle of both feet, if 
it can be done. 

For swollen Testicles. Make a plaister of bean and barley meal 
with unpurified honey mixed together. Add a little vinegar ; make 
the plaister and apply it hot, but first anoint the part with oil 
of roses. 
To reduce redness and excoriation of the Testicles. Oil of 

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38 Master John Arderae 

violets beaten up with the egg mixture is a good application after 

the parts hâve been fomented with warm water. Also powdered 

tannin with rotten oak wood i.e. Worm,* mixed with the best 

honey is useful in excoriation of the pénis and testicles for it 

soothes and dries excellently. 

Note that according to authors a botch in any part of the body 

becomes converted into a fîstula or cancer if it be not cured 

within three or four months. When, therefore, there is a botch 

of the anus or outside near the anus it may be recognised by 

thèse signs, scilicet; swelling, pain, heat, itching, and pricking. 

(Plate VII, fig. 2, right column.) 

Note, too, that a botch forming below the anus is cured with an 

infusion of the oil of roses in which white lead has been incor- 

porated or burnt lead or litharge or any of them if they can be had 

[mixed] with white of egg. But caution him against straining at 


Also if the belly is constipated, it may be relaxed with a plaister 

of mallow and hog's lard or with a watery décoction of mallow and 

bran and fresh butter or by giving this kind of clyster. t (Plate VII, 

fig, 3, right column.) 

A powerfully soothing ointment. 

IL Rub up one or two handsful of common domestic mallows in a 

mortar and when they are sufficiently pounded leave them for 7-9 

days in a quart of common oil until they putrefy. Then boil them 

on the fire for a long time until the oil is of a good green colour 

and afterwards strain and set it aside for use. 

This ointment is good for soothing the pain of botches and it 

softens them if it is applied on lana succida. 

Note that the wool which grows between the thighs of sheep and 

is soaked with their sweat is called " Lana succida " and not washed 

An Ointment useful for wounds and cancerous ulcers and for those 

botches which bleed and for the malignant carbuncles which are 

called plague tokens and for botches caused by bad materies morbi, 

It is made thus : — 

♦ <« Worm " is added in English. 

f The prescription for the clyster is omitted by the scribe. 

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R. Three ounces of the oldest hog s lard. Let it be [mingled witk 
vitriol] 5ÎV and laid over a fire \and cleansed and ground\ în a 
brazen mortar strongly and afterwards raix it with lard after taking 
it off the fire. And a fruîtful ointment will be made which does not 
bail, but if it is wished to make a barder ointment, i.e., a plaister 
add wax and black pitch because pitch is able to draw from the 
lower to the upper parts and the same doth vitriol.* 
Alum Water is made thus : — R. Take as much alum as is required. 
Rub it up well, add eight parts of good strong vinegar and boil 
it in a pot over the fire until only the half remains. Then take 
it off the fire and strain it. It is called Aqua aluminis and is 
used for itching, scabies from sait fieum, and this water cleanses 
when it is warmed. 

An injury to the leg which I cored in a nobleman when he had 
suffered from it for eighteen years. (Plate VIII, fig. i, right 

I first removed the fiesh down to the bone with an ointment of 
roses and I scraped it every day. And one day when I was 
scraping the bare bone with an instrument it moved upwards and 
downwards. I watched this remarkable node but for the rest 
I gave up any further opération and put nothing over the wound 
except liciumf mingled with new honey and the yolk of a raw 
^%Z sippïîcci oï^ carded linen stupes and I did this from day to day 
until the aforesaid bone with the flesh receding from it, appeared 
at the end of the wound and became more and more moveable. 
And when I saw this I put the point of a scalpel under the edge 
of the bone and raised it little by little. But that pièce of bone 
was four thumbs in length and two thumbs in breadth and in 
thickness it extended nearly to the marrow of the bone and it was 
the front of the tibial bone i.e. Schynbone. After the séparation 

'*' The scribe bas written calcantum by mistake for vitriolum. 

t '< Licium," says Ârderne, 'Ms made thus : — Take the leaves of capsifoil and 
bniise them in a mortar and press out the juice and put it in a brazen vessel or of 
glass and dry it in the sun and keep it for use. It is the beat medidne if the 
fingers of any man forsooth hâve been long unhealed of unwise care, or of 
négligence of the patient after that the bone is taken ont" 

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40 Master John Arderae 

of the bone I finally closed the wound with a licium dressing of 
honey, &c. and the yolk of raw eggs. 

Against a stinking, itching, granulari sanious and serpiginoos 
olcer. (Plate VIII, fig. 2, rîght column,) 

When no other remedy was of any use I well washed the whole 
of the spreading ulcer and vîgorously applied to it a powder of 
realgar mixed with black soap, The patient suffered great pain 
for twenty-four hours and his hand was much swollen by the pain 
and beat. And when I saw this I put on the yolk of a raw cgg 
with oil of roses and I anointed his hand with the said oil. At 
last a séparation began round the edge of the ulcer and the 
aforesaid remedy did no harm to the healthy skin, but only that 
part died which had been affected. But continuing the dressing 
with yolk and oil of roses ail the skin of the hand came away 
easily and was completely separated without injury to the nerves 
or veins, And when it had separated I dressed the wound with 
yolk of egg and honey of roses most delicately mingled and 
abstracted. I kept it in place with strips of lint between the 
bones and completely cured the patient. 

After consolidation I applied a diachylon plaister softened with 
an ointment of mallows and lily &c. 

I cured a man from Northampton* of the aforesaid Fistula in 
ano who had three openings in the left buttock and three in the 
cleft of the scrotum as is hère depicted (Plate VIII, fig. 3, right 
column) and ail in tum (communicated) the one with the other and 
had perforated through the middle of the rectum. I cured him by 
incision of ail the holes both in the rectum and elsewhere. 
Blood welled out strongly from the incision in the rectum because 
the fistula was very deep. I, therefore, dipped a sponge in cold 
water and swabbed up the blood ; afterwards I put on the wound a 
blood styptic of powdered madder &c. and a good sponge having 

* From another manuscript we learn that this patient was John le Colier 
who was Mayor of Northampton in 1326-7 and 1339-40. He seems to hâve 
been a most regolar attendant at the meetings 'Of the Town Council becaose 
his name appears as a witness to thirty^three documents between the years 
1315 and 1340. 

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Surgeon of Newark 41 

been placed under the patient (he was made) to sit in a chair and 
immediately the bleeding ceased When he had taken food the 
invalid was put to bed and slept well ail that night without any 
bleeding [forsooth'] and in the morning he said he was **fine,"* &c. 
Afterwards, however, viz, on the second day after the opération I 
fiUed ail the wound with powder " sine pare "t and with oil and tgg 
and sal. populi| and with diaflosm§ and in less than twelve weeks I 
cured hîm completely- And he said, indeed, that twenty doctors 
had treated him and he had been operated upon by ten, Neverthc- 
less he rode on horseback about the fortieth day after I made the 

And note that I hâve cured ever so many with the remédies hère 

For Piles at the Anus. (Plate IX, figs. i and 2, right column.) 
A certain man had a pile on his nates which sometimes discharged 
blood and sometimes matter and it was like the morus celsus which 
is in English the molbery. I dressed him with pulvis grecus at 
night and in the morning the pile was half mortified. I plucked it 
out with my fingers gently but firmly and when it was gone a little 
black blood escaped but after the flow of blood I applied the greek 
powder and the bleeding was stopped, and over the powder with a 

^ Bene. 

t The powder <* sine pare " or in French the " Pondre sans père " was a 
stimulating powder of arsenic and vitriol. Ârdeme says of it '' this powder is 
called peerless for it hath no equal in its working. For why, it mortefieth and 
bringeth out dead flesh or superâuous or putrid in ail wounds and ulcers. And 
wit you that this powder beguileth never the patient nor the surgeon, for it doth 
not wickedly. For why, if the surgeon be uncunning and put his powder in a 
wound or in an ulcer not havbg dead flesh, it doeth no harm to the wound or the 

X " Salus populi " was a salve containing the juice of the Chelidonium majus. 
Ardeme used it for lips scorched by the sun or chapped by the wind and " it 
availeth against the burnbg by fire. This ointment would I never want for the 
many benefits of it. And wit thou that it is the best remedy to them that hâve 
the emerods or the fistula." 

§ Diaflosm is the plaister used as a local application whilst tapsimel [v.p. 30] 
is the confection for internai use. Both seem to bave been invented by Ardeme. 

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42 Master John Arderae 

layer of vegetable wool intervening I put the Narbonne* plaîster 

spread upon a lînen cloth to préserve the powder and prevent it 

from escapîng and thus with a continuance of the said treatment he 

soon became convalescent, 

The Greek Powder is made thus : — 

R. Yellow orpiment ; black pepper ; quîcklime and barley meal âà 

purified honey 3 parts with one quarter of wine. Mingle it with 

the preceding powders to form a paste and make a cake. Heat 

it upon a hot tile over a slow fire so that it does not scorch and 

when it is ready to be powdered crush it on a stone and when it 

begins to blacken on the tile let it be turned frequently, so that 

it does not burn, until it is quite dry; then reduce it to powder 

and keep it. 

With this I hâve cured those [piles with] increasing bleedings 

[and other bleeding swellings in] the palm of the hand ; and this 

powder mortifies watery superfluities wherever they occur. 

Against the bite of a mad dog or other animal. (Plate IX, fig. 3, 

right column.) 

A leek chewed in the mouth and put over the bite avails much. 

Item. Rub up dead nettles with sait and apply it It heals well, 

and extracts the venom. 

Item, for every [kind of] bite let the patient drink powdered 

potentilla root in wine, and terra sigillata does the same if used 

with tapsibarbastusf on the wound seethed in water or in wine. It 

extracts ail poison. Or use any other remedy which has been or 

will in the future be recommended which you may hâve better. 

"^ The Narboone plaister was a particular favorite with Ardeme. It was 
diachylon boiled with oleum siriacum *'and when it hath boiled enough," as 
there were no clocks or watches in his day, take it off the fire and let it stand 
still without moving for "the space of a pater noster and Ave Maria, that the 
litharge of the lead that is in it may be descend to the bottom. This plaister is 
called Noir-bone for though it be black nevertheless it is good," which was 
Ardeme*s little play upon words. The oleum siriacum may hâve been the oleum 
syrise the fragrant essential oil obtained by distillation from the Dracocephalum 

t Vidsp. 3o« 

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Surgeon of Newark 43 

Against thc bitc of a Toad.* (Plate IX, fig. 4, rîght column.) 

Rue drunk with water or cooked în ît, and chew some rue. Put 

bruised rue on the bite with honey or sait. 

Against the stroke of a scorpion. (Plate IX, fig. 5, right column.) 

Three or four drops of blood are to be drawn immediately close 

to the stricken place and then are to be smeared over the place 


Honeysuckle, too, bruised by itself, and with ail its parts without 

the addition of anything else placed on severe stinking ulcers of 

the leg which bleed and are discharging and increasing in depth 

to the nature of cancer 

I hâve happily and wonderfully cured them when they were 

obedient to no (other) remedy. 

I proved this also on the shin of a certain nobleman who had 

a pustule which everything had failed to cure, and yet was cured 

with this one. For the pustule dried up and ceased to smell the 

first time it was applied; ail the bad symptoms disappeared and 

within a month he was completely cured, etc. 

It happened that a certain man had a botch in the bend of the 

knee as is hère depicted (Plate IX, fig. 6, right column) which 

it was difficult to break. I dressed it with a maturing plaister 

and afterwards broke it with a ruptoriumf and squeezed out 

the matter, and then with a wooden tube I fiUed it up from the 

bottom even to the top with [a mixture of wheaten flour and 

* *« The Toad ugly and venomous beats yet a precious jewel in his head." 
But if the Toad was ugly and venomous and its bite was thought to be 
dangerous, it was much used in medicine. The powder of a dried Toad taken 
5ss at a time or more cures almost ail incurable dropsies, carrying away the 
water by Urine, the ashes of them burnt is better. A dried Toad steept in 
vinegar and the belly of it laid to a carbuncle draws out the poison : smelt to, 
it stops bleeding at the nose, especially laid to the forehead or behind the ear 
or held in the hand tiil it is hot, or hung about the neck. The ashes or powder 
do the same laid upon the part that bleeds. Laid to the Veins it cures the 
dropsy : to the Navel fits of the Mother : laid to the soles of the feet it helps 
distempers of the head and heart and cools the beat of fevers. The Ashes hung 
about the neck (as an Amulet) cures pissing a bed or the not holding of the 

t Page 35- 

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44 Master John Arderae 

clarified koney] and I incised it through the middle of the skin 
into the wound* and put on it a cloth soaked in white of egg. 
In the mornîng when it was rcmoved I dressed it with a powder 
made as follows : — R. green copper vitriol, orpiment and alum 
[and over it cAafpie]f and afterwards a plaister made thus: — 
R. Juice of smallage; mugwort danewort and thus with thèse 
remédies to wit the powder and the plaister he was soon afterwards 
entirely cured, but if you prefer it you can cure it well enough with 
diachylon after it has been incised. 

But it must be noted that in such part as you intend to eut you 
must be careful of that large vein which is called the cephalickj 
and runs through the thigh to the tibia and which lies near the large 
muscle, — not to eut it as it lies on the leg, as is hère depicted 
(Plate IX, fig. 7, right column). 

And a certain man had a swelling in his leg after scratching in 
conséquence of a pruritus with redness ; there was a pustule with 
beat and it exuded drops of water. Many applications had been 
used for a long time without improvement and it was said by some 
to be the malum mortuum§ &c. At last being seen by a certain 
friar Minor he made him a plaister of sempervivum i.e. rhubarb,|| 
well pounded with the fat of a ram and hog's lard and bran (cooked 
together) and applied warm and it soon brought him back to health. 
The best plaister is 

R. juice of smallage, wormwood, mugwort, nettle, walwort with 
honey and white of egg àà. to which rye meal has been added. 
c/oiA and to remave it and as often to 

'^ The scribe has omitted the £act that Ardeme wished first to incise the 
swelling and afterwards to use another ruptorium, the patient refused the one 
and tore off the other. 

t Carpina. X i.e. Saphena. 

§ The malum mortuum must, I think hâve been gangrené. Ardeme, like 
the other practitioners of his day as well as the public generally, had a great 
dread of its occurrence. It was also used in its French form as Monnaie for 
Chaucer says of the Cook in the Prologue line 386 " But great harm was it as it 
thought me, That on his schynne a mormal hadde he." In the case of the 
Canon Ardeme adopted the treatment still used for callous ulcers : he cleansed it, 
applied firm pressure and dressed it with a stimulating ointment. 

Il ** Rabarbe,*' added in English. 

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Surgeon of Newark 45 

cleanse it witk a dry\ cloth and to dress it again ; and thus doing 

he never felt anything soothe ît or do it so much good before. 

And thus he was cured, &c. 

A certain Canon (Plate X, fig. i, right column) once on a time fell 

ill and when he began to get better a great collection of descending 

humours fell on his shin and after some time brownish and broad 

pustules and nodes appeared. And when I saw them I told him 

that it was the malum mortuum, and I made him a cure which has 

the name of Dyuelyn. 

And the cure is this for the malum mortuum :— , 

First bind up the patient's leg firmly and rather tightly with linen 

rag Then wash the leg well, and whilst it is bandaged, 

with warm water — as hot as the patient can bear. After it has 

been bathed let him lie for a natural day — for one day and one 

night — taking great care that the leg is not exposed to the air or to 

cold. And on the second day remove the rag and cleanse the 

wound or ail the wounds if they are numerous and put into each 

wound a small pièce of linen moistened with cold water which 

should be changed twice a day, removing the ointment, cleansing 

the wounds and filling them with a pièce of wet linen morning and 

evening until it is healthy. Afterwards put some of the ointment 

round the wound upon the healthy skin so that the inside of the 

wounds are never touched by it at any point so that it may 

co-operate with the moistened linen mentioned above. 

This is the ointment : — 

R. Copperas, sait of nitre, broom ashes, ashes of a black snail, 

atrament* àà. one part, a little greek green and quicksilver as 

much as any one of the previous ingrédients and hog s lard double 

in amount of ail the rest put together. Dissolve over a fire and 

then mix them ail well together with the lard. And then when 

you hâve mixed the other powders put in some pitch and the 

ointment will become black. 

With this ointment made in the aforesaid manner I hâve entirely 

cured large wounds of the shin such as are hère mentioned ; but 

smaller wounds with Lanfrank's green ointment 

* Ink, a sulphate containing powdered galls. 

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46 Master John Arderne 

But be it noted that în a severe wound such as îs hère depicted : — 
with the cure by Dyuelyn I purged him pretty often from the 
feast of St. Mark the Evangelist* to the feast of St Margaret 
the Virgin, t There was dead flesh în the centre of the wound 
of a livîd colour and as broad as a penny which could not be 
cured by any of the aforesaid means, but began to re-înfect that 
part which was aiready healing. Then indeed I put on some 
powdered arsenic mixed with black soap upon charpie. After 
two or three applications the edges of the wounds began to fill 
up and became of a livîd colour mixed with red. And ît so 
happened that where the arsenic touched the wound it acted with 
great energy, but nevertheless did no harm. Afterwards I applied 
meadow saxifrage daily for a fortnight until the dead flesh began 
to separate from the edges but that dead flesh was very thick 
and when I saw this I eut a little off the top with a razor. Then 
I put on some lard and so at last with lard and cutting I wholly 
removed it. When this pièce of dead flesh was removed I worked 
away again with the same dyuelyn ointment and linen rag soaked 
in warm water until nearly to the next feast of St. Matthew the 
Apostle and Evangelist$ when the wound was no broader than 
a penny and then again it began to break eut at the sides and 
increased until it was nearly as large as it had been on St. 
Lawrence's day.§ And when I saw this I dressed it four times 
with a powder of litharge mixed with white ointment and I placed 
upon the wound a pièce of clean linen as large as the wound and 
moistened with herb Robert|| waten This dressing seemed to me 
to be more useful and better. The edges of the wound healed and 
grew together until they became quite sound^ etc. 
It sometimes happens too that a Gutta Fistula (Plate X, fig. 2, 
right column) forms in the fingers of boys and girls often at the 
lower jointe next the hand and makes sinuses in the skin on one 

* April 25th. t July 20th. t Sept. 2ist. § Âugust 6th. 

Il Herb Robert a géranium was used to cure the Ruprecht's Plage, so named 
from Robert Duke of Normandy for whom the whole school of Salemum wrote 
the Regimen Sanitatis. It is sometimes called Sancti Ruperti herba. 

Y i.e., Metacarpo-phalangeal. 

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Surgeon of Newark 47 

side and sometimes on both sides. But when you see sinuses on 
both sides you know that the patient is incurable unless it is entirely 
removed through the finger joint where it joins the hand. But if 
the bone of the hand near the finger* is also affected, it is incurable 
unless it too is eradicated. 

There is not much to be said therefore about the treatment of such 
cases as to their cure. For I hâve rarely seen any escape death 
when this disease has once become obvious because they soon die 
of a flux either dry or restricted. The digits of the hand or foot 
or the leg or any other limb in which such a fistula forms stinks 
badly. It has a narrow orifice ItvAicA is either white or red and 
when they are stopped the patients become paU] in the face and they 
get thin and feeble.t The same condition often occurs in the leg, 
knee, foot and ankle. I hâve cured it in the shin and foot and at 
the ankle (Plate XI, fig. i, right column) but in the ankle it broke 
out again after a time and even sometimes at the knee. I once 
cured a gutta fistula in the shin and over the ankle and foot with 
a plaister of SanguiboetesJ and a powder which was made thus : — 
R. Orpiment, sulphur, quicklime and black soap ââ. powdered 
together and applied twice a day round the wound. I also rubbed 
in common oil or white ointment until the patient was restored to 
perfect health as has been told. I also gave him drink of Antioch§ 
and he quickly recovered his health. 

* i.e., Metacarpal. 

t This shows that tuberculous disease of the bones usually ended in gênerai 
tuberculosis or in death from septic absorption as was frequently the case in 
tuberculous disease of the hip until our own days. 

% Arderne nowhere gives the formula for this préparation. 

§ Drink of Ântioch was made according to the foUowing receipt : — 

Take one handful of daisy and one handful of bugle and one handful of 
fennel and half an handful of hemp and as much of oats, as much of tansy, as 
much of herb Robert, as much of madder, as much of comfrey, four branches 
of orpine, six crops of briar, six crops of red nettle. Seethe thèse herbs in one 
gallon of white wine to a pottle and afterwards add an equal quantity of clarified 
honey. Mix them together and steam it a little. It was used for the wounded 
and bruised in doses of three spoonfuls in six spoonfuls of water. ** And look 
that the sick man be well kept from gouty méats and drinks and from women.*' 
The drink was clearly intended for knights and men of high degree. 

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48 Master John Arderae 

To rclicve a rankle.* 

R. Cummin well powdered wîth breadcrumb, chestnut, honey and 
white wîne. Boîl them together to dryness and then add pig s 
blood q.s. Boil again and apply to the rankle on stupes or pièces 
of linen. 

For a hot aposteme or a hot swelling. 

R. The Yolks of hard-boîled eggs, vîrgîn wax, purslane, smal- 
lage Sî-Jss. Dissolve them ail in oil of roses over a slow fire after 
they hâve been well pounded together. A plaister is then made 
and applied and this is useful for an inflamed goût and it soothes 
a red swelling of the legs. 

R. Oatmeal gruel warmed in vinegar wîth [muiton] suet and applied. 
It relie ves greatly. 

Âgainst tearing of the nerves and immeasurable pain. 
Such a plaister as this may be used : — 

R. Refined honey half a pound ; naval pitch âà. of braised beans 
and cummin ââ. 5iii. Prépare it thus : Dissolve the pitch with the 
honey over a slow fire and when they are thoroughly dissolved add 
the rest in powder \stirring and kneading them well together\ and 
make a plaister. 

Âgainst an indorated swelling from cold cause. 
R, Mallows and marshmallows, parsley, fenugrek, violets, fresh 
butter, white wax and pig's blood. Make a plaister for the swelling 
whether from a blow or from goût. First anoint the part with warm 
refined honey and afterwards sprinkle over it the aforesaid powder 
of myrtle berries, penny royal and cinnamon. Bandage &c. It 
should be noted that thèse kinds of remédies are called Sinapisms. 
A plaister which is strongly maturative to relieve an inflam- 

Take linseed and pound it well in a mortar into a powder, then 
cook it to dryness and afterwards add marshmallow root, i.e. 
holyholct Remove the hard core and boil the rest thoroughly 

* Â RANKLB was a festering sore. The word is only used figuratively now 
and as a verb. 

t Contemporary gloss in English. 

Digitized by 


Surgeon of Newark 49 

by itself ; then boil as many eggs as are necessary to make the 

quantity required. Take theîr yolks separately and rub them ail 

together. Afterwards take hog s lard and rub it thoroughly with 

ail the other constituents until a sort of paste is made. When this 

is done and applied lightly it will for certain be found of wonderful 

virtue and strongly healing. 

For a swelling of the arm after bloodletting. (Plate XI, ûg. 2, 

right column.) 

Seethe Althea in water until the water becomes very viscous then 

in the strained water seethe oats for a long time until they are 

reduced to a thick poultice. Bind up the arm with this applied on 

a pièce of linen. When the arm is swelled after bloodletting be 

careful not to apply anything cold but seethe hot wheaten bread- 

crumb just out of the oven in styptic wine to make a sort of paste. 

When it is cool put it round the swelling. Very cold applications 

may also be applied to prevent the passage of blood and humours 

to the damaged part. 

If the swelling become windy and many of the humours assemble 

there remédies which generate matter should be applied, such as 

plaister of mallowflowers and also wormwood infused in boiled 

water and afterwards prepared with hog's lard. This causes the 

discharge and the materies morbi to evaporate through the pores, 

It assuredly comforts the place and is most certainly serviceable in 

ail botches if you can get it. 

Against a swelling after letting blood. — Let ail the surrounding 

part be well anointed with warm oil of roses and wrapped up 

in a pièce of linen soaked in hot white wine. 

Against pain from puncture of a nerve [in the arm after blood 

letting\ or in any other limb from other punctures. 

Make a plaister of honey and roots of danewort, althea, bryony 

or lily. 

For ail pain and in any place apply to the swollen arm after 

bloodletting : — 

The tops of leeks i.e. the heads and cook them in tow or in 

ashes and afterwards pound them and then let them be roasted 

by themselves in a pan and applied hot 

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50 Master John Arderae 

Let a \ripening plaister\ be made of wheaten flour with roots of lily, 
honey and oil or butter or pig's blood prepared altogether on the 
fire and applied hot. It rîpens (inflammation) everywhere and if 
you cannot get ail thèse roots take impromptu whichever you 
can for you may do well with one of them even if you cannot 
hâve them ail. 

Lana succida soaked in oil of rue and applied to the swelling 
of the nerve hurt during bloodletting or by any other puncture 
in any limb of the body is certainly excellent as a remedy. 

Of Those who are Pregnant and of Labour. 
(Plate V, fig. I, centre column.) 

This is the first kind of Labour (Plate V, fig. 2, centre column). It is the 

best and most natural of ail kinds especially as when labour begins there 

is nothing to be afraid of unless the midwife should pull down the hand. 

The midwife, &c. 

The second kind of labour (Plate V, fig. 3, centre column) is equally good 

when it occurs. The midwife should be careful when she reaches the 

hand to grasp it and so deliver it, &c. 

The third kind (Plate V, fig, 4) is when the child lies transversely. What 

is to be done ? 

The midwife, introducing her hand, should adjust it and if she finds the 

head nearest she should grasp it or draw down the feet. 

The fourth kind (Plate VI, fig. i, centre column) is when she finds both 

hands protruding. What should the midwife do then ? 

Catching hold of the two arms with her hands she should push him back 

âdjusted with her hands, as I hâve said above, and seizing his head should 

pull it out gradually and gently. If the child has a \very smalf] head and 

if both arms présent the midwife, having first introduced her hand, ought 

to adjust the head at the mouth of the womb, and having grasped the 

child's hands she should endeavour to prevent the head from blocking the 

vulvar orifice. But the whole body of the child is born casily when the 

hands présent first. 

The fifth birth (Plate VI, fig. 2, centre column), What should be done 

when a hand protrudes ? 

The midwife is usually instructed never to take hold of it nor to pull upon 

it more than twîce so long as the head is unborn lest the mouth of the womb 

become blocked. For it is in this very attempt that she is able to dislocate 

the child's hand so that it escapes from the utérus. This is a serions 

mistake on the part of the midwife. You would do better, therefore, if, 

fixing your fingers in this way you press him back and so arrange him in 

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Surgeon of Newark 51 

the pelvic cavity that his hands lie along his sides as they are born and 
seizing the head attempt to draw it out.* 

The sixth birth (Plate VI, fig. 3, centre column). What should be done if 
the child descending by its feet in any part of the génital canal [vulva] the 
rest inclines towards the body ? t 

As 1 hâve said before, the midwife should introduce her hand and turn it, 
The seventh birth. (Plate VI, fig. 4, centre column.) What should the 
midwife do if one foot prolapses and is even seen. 

The midwife should never lay hold of it and try to extract it lest the rest 
of the body of the child should be shut up in the womb. But rather with 
the finger inserted into the child's groin let her press it upwards and intro- 
ducing her hand seize the other foot and grasping both feet attempt to 
deliver them. 

The eighth birth. (Plate VI, fig. 5, centre column.)| But what should 
she do when he puts out both feet ? 

The midwife having grasped the groins with both hands bends them up- 
wards and having arranged them, as I hâve said, delivers them. 
The ninth birth. (Plate Vil, fig. 2, centre column.) What should we do 
if, when the feet are widely separated, the soles are fixed within the génital 
canal [vulva] ? 

The midwife introducing her hand brings them together and arranges them 
at the mouth of the womb. 

The tenth birth (Plate Vil, fig. 3, centre column) is when he sits on his 
nates or haunches. 

The midwife introduces her hand, seizcs and pushes the child backwards, 
and having corrected the position of the hands and feet delivers it. If 
there is more than one, if there are two or three or four together at the 
mouth she compresses them, as I hâve said above, pushing them ail back 
into the vaginal cavity and so causing them to be born one at a time. The 
midwife should do this gently and without roughness. She should, there- 
fore, frequently pour over the parts themselves warm oil or juice of 

* The wbole passage is so corrupt that it makes nonsense as it stands. The 
MS. reads: ''Quintus partus. Quociens manum emittit quid faciendum est? 
Principaliter jubetur ut nunquam eum teneat obstetrix ; Dec abducat plus. ii. 
relicto intus capite orificium matricis obturatur. Nam est in ipso conatu 
exarticulare infantis poterit manum aperire ut eum de utero évadât. Culpa 
obstetricis insolens efficiatur. Melius ergo facis & si hujusmodi infixis digitis 
eum retrorsum removeat & intus capacitatem vulve positum ita componat ut 
manus ejus ejectis lateribus jungat & apprehenso capite foras conari incipiat." 
The meaning is sufficiently clear and is to the effect than when a hand protrudes 
the midwife must net pull upon it, for if she does it may be dislocated or even 
torn off and the resuit will be seen as soon as the child is born. 
* t This passage is also corrupt. 

I By an error of the pbotographer this part of the manuscript is duplicated 
so that this figure also appears as fig. x in the centre colunm of Plate VII. 

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52 Master John Arderae 

fenugrek, or boiled linseed and mallows. For with such care both the 
birth of the chîldren is facilitated so that they are born safely and she who 
bears them is saved from trouble and shock. For we hâve known very 
many chiidren born after a very difificult labour and we hâve seen them live. 
The eleventh birth (there is no drawing of this présentation) is the 
same as, &c. 

The twelfth birth. (Plate VII, fig. 4, centre column.) What should we 
do when the child is doubled up ? 

A boy may be doubled up within the vulva in two ways. If we find his 
little bottom at the mouth of the vulva let the doubling up be made from 
the lower part of his body ; when the hands and soles of the feet are found 
doubled up within the mouth of the womb let it be from the upper parts. 
There is a second form of doubling up and the midwife can correct it so 
that with the soles of the feet pushed upwards she thus grasps the head 
and so delivers the child. 

The thirteenth birth. (Plate VIII, figures in the centre column.) If it lies 
transversely what should be done ? 

[If the belly isforemost] or if it lies on its back the midwife gently intro- 
duces her hand and tums it on the side. If there is room enough for the 
midwife to introduée her hand she can easily arrange the position according 
to the idéal plan and grasp any part which is nearest or suitable and draw 
it to the mouth (of the utprus). But she seeks principally the child's head, 
grasps it and delivers it. We say that she does better when the head is 
found, but if the feet are the nearer let her grasp and deliver them. And if 
there are two or more the opération should be performed according to 
the afore-mentioned rules. 

MS. ends. 

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Plate XIII. 

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iCface p. sa 

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Âbbot's diarrhodon, 26 

Absinthe, 7, 11, 23, 24 

Âcorus, 8 

Ador, 33 

Agaric, 33 

Agrippa ointment, 9 

Alexander of Tralles, 29 

Alexandrine sugar, 19 

Alîn, Dr. Edward, ix 

Alleyne, Dr. James, 10 note, 30 note 

Almansor, 2 

Aloes, 4, 15, 16, 18 

Alum water, préparation of, 39 

Anatomical drawings, Alexandrine, x 
„ 9 9 àe Mondeville's, ix 

„ „ description of, ix 

Anise, 4, 17 

Antioch, drink of, 47 

Anus, itching of, a cure for, 29 
„ piles at, 41 

Aposteme, to relieve an, 48 

Appetite, 16, 17 

Aqua Benedicta, 26 

Ardeme (John), account of. Préface, i 
„ cases treated by, 8, 9, 32, 34, 

36, 39f 40. 41. 43» 45. 47 
Arm, swollen after bloodletting, treat- 

ment of , 49 
Arthritic inflammation, treatment of, 34 
Asafœtida, 11 
Ascites, a drink for, 26 
Asthmatic, treatment of the, 13 
Aurea Alexandrina, 23 
Auricular finger, 6 
Avicenna, 2, 17 

Balaustines, 13, 25, 27, 29 
Basilicon plaister, composition of, 23 
Beau flour, 11, 25 
Behen album, 16 
Belching, cure for, 17 
Bellyache caused by worms, 19 
Benedicta laxativa, composition of, 20, 
23 note 


Betony, 3 

Birth figures, 50 

Bites, treatment of, 42, 43 

Bleareye, treatment of, 5 

Bleeding, treatment of accidents after, 

Blessed laxative, composition of, 20, 23 
Blood in urine, 27, 28 

„ vomiting of, 13 
Blood-letting, 2, 7, 10, 11, 14, 25, 27, 

29. 33. 37. 49 

„ „ accidents foUowing, 49 
Bole armorie, 13, 21, 25, 36 
Bone, necrosis of, 39 

„ therapeutic use of, 6 
Borage, 3, 6, 15, 16, 26 
Botch, 38 

„ in the anus, 38 

„ „ ham, 43 

„ „ throat, 10 
Boulimia, treatment of, 17 
Box shavings, i 
Breathing, difficulty in, 14 
Broom flowers, i 
Butter, 6 

Cabbage juice, 3 

Camomile, 4, 9, 14 

Cancer, origin of, 38 

Capon's fat, 6, 7 

Caraway, 16 

Carbuncle, 38 

Cardamoms, 4, 17 

Carpobalsam, 31 

Castoreum 9, 21 

Castration, 37 

Cathartic, composition of the impérial, 

Charms, 6, 32 
Chaudepisse, 22 note, 28 
Chekynmete, its botanical name, 25 
Chest, dryness of the, 12 
Chicken panade, 22 
Cinnamon, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 48 

Digitized by 




Clyster, formula for, 35, 38 
Cold cough, treatment of, 12 

,1 rheum, treatment of, 11 

„ seeds, 13, 23, 24, 25 
Colic, treatment of, 22 
Colier, John le, the case of, 40 
Colocynth, 33 

Consolidating juices, the four, 30 
Constipation, causes and treatment of, 

^ 23» 38 

Consumptive, treatment of the, 13-18 

Coral, red, 25 

Corn âour, 21 

Cough, treatment of, 11, 12 

Cramp, a charm for, 32 

„ physiologjr of, 32 
Cubebs, 3, 14, 18 
Cummin, 10, 48 

Dactylitis, treatment of, 46, 47 

Damsons, 4 

Dates, 10, 14, 16 

Deafness, treatment of, 6 

Depilator^, prescription for a, i 

Diacalammtum, 17 

Diachylon plaister, 40 

Diacitoniton, 26 

Diaqrdium, 17, 26 

Dianosm plaister, 41 

Diagalangal, 17, 18 

Diagrydium, composition of, 23 note 

Diamargariton, 16 

Diaprassium, 17 

Diaprunum, 22, 24, 25, 27 

Diarrhodon, composition of, 26 

„ of the Âbbot, 17 

„ of Julius, 15 

Diarrhcea, treatment of, 20 
Diasene, 17 

Diet drink, formula for, 30 
Dodder of thyme, 4 
Dog bite, treatment of, 42 
Dragon's blood, 13, 21, 25, 36 
Drink habit, cure for the, 17 
Dropsy, against, 25, 26 
Drunkenness, a prescription to cure, 2 
Dysentery, treatment of, 13, 20 
Dysphagia, treatment of, 16 
Dyspnœa, treatment of, 14 
Dysuria, treatment of, 35 
Dyuelyn ointment, 45 

Ears, diseases of, treatment of, 3, 6, 7 
Earthworms, 6, 26, 35 
Eggs, ants', 6 

Eggs, earthworms', 6, 35 

„ hens', 5 

„ new laid, 5 

„ poached, 11 

„ raw, 39 

„ white of, I, 5, II 

„ yolks of, 4, 21, 25. 33, 34, 36, 38, 

^,, ^ 44.48*49 
Elder flowers, 25 
Elecampane, 14 
Enema, 35, 38 
Epilepsy, charm against, 6 
,, treatment of, 3, 6 
Erysipelas, 37 
Euphorbium, 8 
Eyes, blows on, 5 
„ heaviness of, 4 
„ nebula of, 5 
rheum of, 31 
treatment for bleared, 5 
watering, 5 

Fasting spittle, 35 
Fennel, 16, 23, 24, 26 
Fenugrek, 11, 13, 14, 21 
Festering sore, a plaister for, 48 
Fever, treatment of, 14, 15 
Figs, 10, II, 14, 16,24,28 
Fistula in ano, treatment of, 40 

„ origin of, 38 
Flatulence, to prevent, 18 
Fleum, treatment of the sait, 7 
Frank, Dr. Mortimer, ix 
Frenzy, a prescription for the cure of, 

Fumitory, syrup of, 7 

Galangal, 3, 16 

Galls, 3, 21 

Gargle, for headache, 3 

Gaunt, John of, xi, 36, note 

Ginger, 3 

Glands, matted, treatment of, 10 

Goats' dung, 10; spleen, 21 ; whey 25, 

Gold, slime of, 16 
Gonorrhcea, the treatment of, 28 
Gonorrhoeal inflammation, treatment 

of, 22 
Gordon, Bernard, i, note 
Goût, treatment of, 7, 34, 35, 48 
Greek powder, formula for, 42 
Gum arabic, 10, 11, 15 

„ tragacanài, 10, 11, 15, 17 
Gutta fistula, treatment of, 46 

Digitized by 




Haematuria, 27, 28 
Haemoptysis, treatment of, 13 
Hair, a depilatory for the, i 

,1 a dye for the, i 
Hare» powdered, as a styptic, 33 
Headache, cures for» 2, 3, 31 
Health drink, 30 

y» rules for maintaÎDiiig» 18 
Heart, affections of, 16 

,, palpitation of, 16 
Hectic, treatment of the» 13 
Henry IV, prolapse of the rectum» xi, 

22, 29 note 
Herb» Robert» 46 
Hermodactyl, 2» 16, 33 
Hemia» treatment of, 30 
Herpès» 37 

Hiccough, a cure for» 18 
Hiera cerevisia acuta, 23 

», logadion, 8 

»» picra» 4, 18» 20» 23 note» 27 

», saracenica» 24 
Hoarseness, treatment of, 11 
Honey» 4, 7. 9» 14, 16» 20» 29, 37» 39, 48 
Honeysuckle» 43 
Horehound, 11» 12 
Horse fat, 34 

Hot seeds» the four, 13, 22 
Humours» to cleanse gross» 14 
Hydromel, préparation of, 28 
Hypnotic, prescription for a» 2 
Hypoquistidis» 13 
Hyssop, 3, 9, II, 12, 13, 14 

Iliaca passio, treatment of» 22 
Impérial cathartic, composition of» 7» 

Incense, 25 

Incontinence of urine» treatment of, 28 
Inflammation, treatment of» 48» 49 

»» arthritic» 34 

Ingerslev, Dr. E.» ix 
Ivy» ground, 4, 6, 9, 10» ii» 16 

Jaundice» a drink for, 26 

Kidneys» pain and inflammation of the, 

Knee» treatment for a botch of the, 43 

Labour» catechism for midwives» 50, 51 
Lana succida, préparation of» 9 
», „ use of, 24, 38» 50 
Lanfrank» 5 

Lanfrank's green ointment, 45 
Lapis haematites» 25 
Larch» resin of» 3 

Leg» cure of an ulcerated» 39, 44» 45 
Leprosy, prescription for incipient, 6 
Lettuce, juice of» 3, 4 
Licium» préparation of, 7, 39, 40 
Lîentery, treatment of» 20 
Lime, unslaked» i» 35 
Linseed» 11 
Lîquorice» 6» 12» 15 
,» powder, 3 
Liver, 23, 24, 25 

„ bad complexion of the» 21 

,» causing dysentery» 20 

„ déficient action of» 17 
Lovage, 11 
Lozenges, 8, 9, 12» 23 

Madness, 31 

Maidenhair, 11» 12» 13 

Malum mortuum, cases of, 44» 45 

Manuscript, traditional history of this 

Stockholm, xi 
Marjoram, i» 4 
Marmalades» 5, 13 
Marshmallow, 25 
Mastiche» 25 

Mellicrat, its composition» 20 
Midwives» catechism for, 50, 51 
Milk, goat's, 25» 27 

„ pig's» 25 

»» woman's» 5, 28 
Musk nut» 18 
Mustard, 3» 9 
Myrobalanes, 20, 27 
Myrrh, 11» 21 

Narbonne plaister» formula for» 42 
Naval pitch, 48 

Nebula in the eye» to destroy a» 5 
Nerve» puncture of, 7, 49 

,» tearing of» 48 
Nutmegs» 8 

Oatmeal» 25 

Orach» 11 

Origanum» 3, 9, ii»23 

Orpiment, i, 42, 43» 47 

Orris root» 10 

Oxgall, 7 

Oxycrate, composition of, 7 

Oxymel, 18 

„ diuretic, 22 

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Palpitation, traatment of» 15 
Paraphimosis, to reduce a, 36 
Passio iliaca, treatment of, 22 

,, splenica, „ „ 26 
Pearls, 6, 16, 21 
Pellitory root, 3, 8, 9, 16 
Pénis, treatment of inflammation of, 36 
Peony, juice of, 6, 16 
Pepper, black, 3, 8, 9 
Phillipa, Queen of Norway, Sweden 

and Denmark, xi 
Phillipa, Book of Hours belonging to, 

Phlebotomy. See Blood-letting 
Phleçm, treatment of, 12 
Phthisis with fever, treatment of, 12 
„ without fever, „ „ 13 
Pig's fat, 34 

„ milk, 25 
Pigcon's dung, 27 

Piles, for bleeding and inflamed, 33, 41 
Pimples, treatment of, 7 
Pine needles, 7 
Plantain, 25 

Pleurisy, physiology of, 15 
„ signs of, 15 
„ treatment of, 14, 15 
Pleuro-pneumonia, treatment of, 15 
Poppy, 4, 12 
Pork essence, 22 
Prayer, a form of, 30 
Pregnancy, 50 

Prolapse of the rectum, 22, 29 
Pruritus ani, 29 
Pruritus of anus, 29 
Psidium, 25 

Psilothrix, prescription for a, i 
Psyllium, 13 
Pulvis grecus, 41 
Pulvis sine pare, 41 
Pustule, cure o^ 43 
PyruSf 33 

Queen Phillipa, xi 
Quicktime, 35 
Quicksilver, 7 
Quinces, 4, 12, 13, 25 
Quinsy, cures for, 9 

„ signs of death in, 10 

Raisins, marmalade of, 13 
Rankle, to relieve a, 48 
Read, John, of Gloucester, viii 
Realgar, 40 
Rectum, prolapse of the, 22, 29 

Rénal calculus, 27 

Retching, treatment of, 18 

Rheum, treatment of the cold, 11 

Rhubarb, 22, 23, 25, 44 

Rocksalt, 18. 

Roses, oil of, 4 

Rue, juice of, 8, 16, 43, 50 

Ruptorium, formula for making a, 35, 43 

Rupture, treatment of, 30 

Saffron, 5 

Sage leaves, 3 

Sal ammoniac, 9 

Sait fieum, treatment of, 7 

Salus populi ointment, 41 

Sandal, i, 15, 17» 23 

Saracen's consound, 24 

SarcocoUa, 10 

Saunders, red, 4, 21, 23, 24 

„ white, 4 
Sciatica, treatment of, 33, 34 
Scorpion, treatment of stings of, 43 
Scrope, Geoffirey, patient cured in the 

house of, xii 
Scrotum, affections of, 37 
Seeds, the four cold, 13, 23, 24, 25 

„ „ „ hot, 13, 22 
Senna, 14 
Serapion, 2 
Seripula, 14 
Siligo, 33 
Sinapisms, 48 
Sleep, prescription to awaken from, 2 

„ „ to provoke, i 

Snail, 45 

Soap, black, 35, 40 
Solatrum, 10, 23, 24 
Soothing ointment, formula for a, 38 
Southemwood, 3 
Spasm, a charm agatnst, 32 
Speech, gargle for loss of, 9 
Spittle, fasting, 35 
Splenic passion, treatment of , 26 
Stag's bone, therapeutic use of, 6 
Stavesacre, 3-9 
Stomach, ache of the, 19 
„ coldness of the, 18 
„ distension of the, 19 
Stone in the bladder, to break a, 28 

„ „ kidney, 27 

„ „ urethra, 36 
Storax, 4 
Succory, 4 
Sudhoff, Prof., ix, x 

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Sugar Alexandrine, i8 

„ candy, ii 
Samach, 25 

Swelliog, treatment of an indurated, 48 
Syncope, treatment of, 16 

Tamarinds, 18 

Tapsibarbastus, 29, 30 

Tapsimel» 29, 30 note 

Teeth, non-operative removal of, 9 

Terra sigillata, 13, 21 note, 25, 42 

Testicles, affections of the, 37 

Thirst, against, 17, 21 

Thompson, Mr. C. J. S., xi, 21, 23 

Throat, botch of the, 10 

Thyme, 4 

Tibia, necrosis of, 39 

Tinnitus aurium, 3, 6 

Tisane, a, for phthisis, 13 

Toad, bite of, 43 

„ virtues of , 43 
Tongue, palsy of the, treatment for, 8 
Toothache, cures for, 9 
Triasantalon, 26 
Trifera saracenica, 25 
Triticum, 33 

Turbith, the virtues of, 2, 14, 33 
Turpith, 18-19 

Tutty, the virtues of, 4 
Tympanites, treatment of , 26 

Ulcers, treatment of, 39, 40, 43 
Urethral calculus, opération for, 36 
Urine, blood in the, 27, 28 

„ incontinence of, 28 

, , pharmaceutical uses of , 4, 6, 7, 24 

„ rétention of, 35 
Uvula, swelling of the, 10 

Vinegar, i, 8, 10, 29 
Violets, 4, 12, 38 
Vitriol, 39, 44 

„ burnt, 29 
Vesical calculus, 28 
Vomiting blood, treatment for, 13, 19 " 
Vulva, treatment of inflammation of, 36 

Wine, heavy, 29 

„ hurtful in nervous disorders, 8 

„ white, 3, 6, 49 
Worms, to cure, 19, 22, 35 
Wrymouth, treatment of, 7 

Yppie minor aquatica, 25 
Yve, uses of , 6, 34 

Zedoary seeds, 35 

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Récent Bequert, Preeentotions and Loans to the Welleome Hiitorieal 

Medieal Maseom. 

By the laie Sir Félix Semon, K.C.V.O., M.D. 
Japanese drug seller's sign board. 
Old Japanese médical officer's sword. 


Relies of the late Sir George Buchanan, F.RS., LL.D. 

presented by Miss Buchanan. 

Puise glass, dental forceps, glass syringe, etc. 

Relies of the late Dr. Ward Cousins, F.R.C.S. 

presented by Mrs. Ward Cousins. 

Portrait, brass plate, manuscript, instruments, etc. 

Relies of the late Sir Hermann Weber, M.D. 
presented by Dr. F. Parkes Weber. 
Collection of old clinical thermometers. 

Relies of the late Dr. H. M. Morgan, M.R.CS. 
presented by Mrs. Herbert Morgan. 
Old surgical instruments. 

Relies ofthe late Dr. Laidlaw Purves, L.R.C.P., LJi.CS. 

presented by Mrs. Laidlaw Purves. 

Surgical instruments and ophthalmological models and appliances. 

Relies ofthe late Dr. Robert EUis Dudgeon. 

presented by Dr. Gerald Dudgeon. 

Portrait, book and the first sphygmograph invented by him. 

Relies ofthe late Dr. Phineas S. Abraham. 

presented by Mrs. Abraham. 

Portrait, gold medal, brass plate and instruments. 

Relies of the late Dr. Henry Bames. 
presented by Mrs. Barnes. 
Surgical instruments, etc. 

Digitized by 


Bequest, Présentations and Loans 59 

Relks oftke laie Sir Patrick Manson, CCM.G., K.CJd.G., F.R,S., M.D. 

presented by Lady Manson. 

Portrait, microscope and surgical instruments, etc. 

Relies of Dr. Edward Jenner. 
presented by Mrs. Awdry. "^ 
Silver spectacles that belonged to Dr. E. Jenner, and other relies. 

Gold lacquered Japanese inro. 
presented by Arthur A. Haserick, Esq. 

Native case or shield for the arm used by the Dyaks. 
presented by Dr. Charles H ose. 

Old hypodermic syringc. 
presented by Dr. C. Jacomb Hood. 

Old clinical thermometer. 
presented by J. D. Malcolm, Esq. 

Collection of Red Cross relies of the Franco-Prussian War, 1870, badges, etc. 
presented by Dame Geneviève Ward. 

Red Cross flag of the hospital ship ** Gloucester Castle." 
presented by Mrs. Back. 

Bronze tally of admission to the Botanical Gardens, Amsterdam, 1771. 
Replica of medal of Dr. Hermann Boerhaave. Wax impression of the seal 
of the Médical Academy of Leyden, 1670, etc. 
presented by Professor van Leersum, Amsterdam. 

Glass breast reliever XVI Ith century. 

presented by R. T. Gunthcr, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., Oxford. 

Original spécimens of alkaloids discovered by Pelletier and Caventou, 1820. 
presented by J. D. Marshall, Esq. 

Autograph letter of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., F.R.S. 
presented by Sir William Tilden, F.R.S. 

Engraved portraits of Dr. William Heberden and Sir William Watson, 
Bart, M.D., F.R.S. 

presented by Sir Humphry D. RoUeston, M.D., Président of the Royal 
Collège of Physicians. 

A Peruvian charm with two witch dolls. 
presented by Dr. E. Escomel, Arequipa, Peru. 

Prescription written for Arthur Wellesley, afterwards Duke of Wellington. 


presented by the Rev. F. Fielding-Ould. 

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6o Bequest, Présentations and Loans 

Medicine men's pouches from Ânkole, crocodile's egg and other ethno- 
logical objects. (Mackie Ethnological Expédition, Central Africa.) 
presented by the Rev. John Roscoe, M.A. 


Collection of old chemical apparatus used by Dr. Daubeny in Oxford. 
The Président and Council of Magdalen Collège, Oxford. 

Model of a Dressing Station on Vimy Ridge. 
Lieut-Colonel F. Brereton, R.A.M.C. 

Collection of medals of Andréas Vesalius. 
M. H. Spielmann, Esq. 

Collection of Hispano-Moresque drug jars. 
F. W. Mark, Esq. 

John Balb, Sons ft DANin.ssoN, Ltd., 83-91, Gt. Titchfitld St., Loodon, W. t. 

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